Just had Reading week which means if you have a book for your module you don’t have class, it is a week for catching up on reading. I had one of my three modules which isn’t bad. Did not too much with that time unfortunately. On Wednesday I went home to Sutton to have lunch with Kath and my aunties which was lovely. I took the train both ways because it is two buses to get home and I have to say I am getting tired of buses. I bus so much more here in London than in Seattle but I suppose that is because I drive in Seattle. I also find busing more tolerable here in London because the buses are much cleaner. But I have to say I love taking the train and the tube. I know they are not always on time and are not always reliable but (touch wood) I have never had much trouble with them. I just find the journey more enjoyable on the train.
The 12th of February was my friend Jess’s birthday and to celebrate, rather than going to Bop on campus as usual, we went to a club in central London. It was so much fun. There were about 15 of us and we Ubered to Piccadilly Circus where the club Tiger Tiger is. It was so fun actually being out in central late, especially in Piccadilly which is always buzzing let alone on a Friday night. I definitely hope to go to a few more clubs in central before going to back to Seattle.
Next week I will be meeting up with a girl I have known since elementary school. We also went to the same high school. We hadn’t really spoken in three years but when I saw she was in London at the same time as me and we’ve known each other for as long as we have I thought it would be lovely to meet up.
Nothing else much going on so cheers for now xx

This is Piccadilly Circus at night