Homeward Bound

Well it’s almost time to head back to the States. I am certainly excited to see my family again but I am also very sad to leave. London has been so much more than I ever thought it would be the people, the sights and the culture was just amazing. Being able to sit down and talk to people and compare differences and marvel over similarities was absolutely the best.

Out of everything I experienced over here I think some of my top favorite differences would have to be:

The Food, it really didn’t matter what you were eating it still tasted cleaner than the food back home. I even went to a Burger King to test my theory and the food still tasted cleaner!!! I was very surprised. The same can be said for their pop, they use natural sugar no fructose corn syrup for them. It is amazing the difference it has on your body too!!! This was something that I never really thought about, yes I thought the food would be different, but I didn’t think about how different the same foods would be.

Attitude towards drinking: We got into a conversation with a couple people regarding the attitude that Americans have towards drinking. The one of the gentlemen said that it really bothered him that Americans feel that if you’ve had four or five beers already and it’s not even 5pm yet we automatically assume that ‘you’re a functioning alcoholic’ (I admit I laughed because that’s exactly what I was thinking) he argued that Londoners can just hold their drink better than we can. It was really interesting to see how the different cultures not only viewed the topic (drinking) but also each other in light of the topic. We discussed the frequency of consumption and how in the US we don’t usually start till after 5pm which caused dismay in one women who responded “But, what do you drink with lunch??!!”

The entire trip was absolutely fantastic and meeting people and making friends with people was my favorite part. It will be great to go home, but it will be sad to leave. I will just have to find a way to go back some day!!!


2 thoughts on “Homeward Bound

  1. These every day conversations and simple observations are such an integral part of learning while abroad and though you’ll always remember the “larger and greater” things–art, architecture, excursions to exiting places, it is through the every day life that one begins to understand and appreciate another culture. Michele

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