Technical difficulties

Along with a wonderful experience traveling across the world comes some difficulties, to say the least. Wallet stolen, computer fried, and strep throat have all been some pretty significant set backs in school, traveling, and being able to post on this blog. I hate to fill this feed with bad news though! Needless to say London has been amazing these past few weeks. I’ve met some of my best friends, seen the most breathtaking sights, and learned so much about the world and myself. I’m going to cover what happened the second week I was here since that’s when my computer fried (but luckily there’s a computer shop right down the road!!). And see if I can figure out how to post my week 4 blog onto wordpress, it’s already on tumblr…my regular blog!

Week 2:

This is when classes started picking up pace quite a bit. 3 hour class, 1 hour break, 3 hour class, 2 hour break, mandatory film session for my British Film class, homework, field trip the next day, and repeat! It’s a bit of a shock being over here in the first place, but having to go to school was quite the adjustment with everything else going on! During this week my class went to the BBC (a famous news broadcasting company here in London) which absolutly blew my mind! I was in heaven because this industry has been of great interest to me for a long time, and I got to see live news rooms! Amazing! By the way, the two classes I’m taking are World Media Systems and British Popular Films.

Here’s me at BBC! I look like I belong here don’t I! (haha)

This same week for my film class we got to visit the british film museum! Now let me tell you, there was no comparison between that and Harry Potter world (our first field trip) but it was definitely a valuable experience.

Here’s me with Darth Vader! Don’t worry, I think he was sleeping 😉

While taking these two classes I’ve been able to zone in on what I want to do after college. I’ve always loved film, but now I feel like a professional! I look forward to taking more classes on film production because I enjoy this class so much. I wish that i would have just taken this class so I could focus on it more. The two classes I’m taking over here after definitely the hardest ones. Many of us are in both of the classes and are stressed out beyond belief pretty much every night. I’ve had to do more school work these last 2 weeks than I did in 1 term in many of my classes back at wou. I understand that theres a lot of information to fit in, but it’s also nice to have a little more time to travel during the week like the rest of the students have. I hope the professors let up a little bit after midterms or they are going to have some wiped out students on their hands!

Most of the material above is from my tumblr blog from week 2, and again I apologize for the time gap. It’s 2am over here, and I’m going to get some rest! I’ll post about my latest activities tomorrow. A little sneak preview: Amsterdam, Dover, Brighton, LOST. 🙂 Until next time! Cheers,


2 thoughts on “Technical difficulties

  1. You didn’t mention how the strep throat is. I hope you’re over it now. Take good care of yourself. I responded more at the end of your second post, but I wanted you to know I had read both, and I think you’re doing a great job, considering the challenges you’ve had. Michele

  2. Thank you Michele! I’m over the strep now after lots of medicine and rest. I had it during week 2 and part of 3. It wasn’t too terrible compared to how sick some of the other students got over here. Some of the kids from the south weren’t used to the moist climate over here so there were lots of lung infections, yuck! Seems like mostly everyone is doing better now.

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