Monumento de la Bandera

I have been in Argentina for 6 weeks and I just went on a guided tour of the city. We were at Iguazu the last time the tour was offered so we missed it. I only have a week left so it seemed kind of pointless, but I am glad that I went. The tour guide pointed out some nice art museums that I definitely want to visit next week. It was interesting to hear and see all the old buildings that were donated to the city to be preserved. I could see the changes in architecture as the years went on.


We ended our tour at the Flag Monument. This monument is what I was most eager to learn about on our tour. Its whole complex is 10,000 square meters and is built mostly out of stone from the Andes.


The monument has 3 parts: the tower, which commemorates the Revolution of 1810, the civic courtyard, which symbolizes the effort of the organization of the state, and the Triumphal Propylaeum representing the Nation as organized after the 1853 constitution. We got to climb the tower and look out and see some magnificent views of Rosario and the Parana River. It only cost 5 pesos which is like $1.25 so it was a must. We only walked like three flights of stairs and then there were no more stairs, so an elevator was the only way to get to the top. It seemed quite odd. Once at the top it was amazing, I felt like I could see the whole city. Rosario is filled with tall buildings and I could actually see the tops of some! I am so glad that we made the journey and got to experience the city from above.





2 thoughts on “Monumento de la Bandera

  1. I’m so glad you had the opportunity to take the city tour and visit the flag monument. Learning a city on your own first then learning more from an expert is always fun. You’ve been seeing so many things on a daily basis and now the tour helped you to see in a different way. I love the architecture in Rosario and the influence from so many other countries on that architecture. Michele

  2. I looked up the flag monument, it’s about 70 meters (230 feet) tall 🙂 that was a fun day, even with the cancellation of the river tour

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