
I’ve been sitting here for about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to articulate my time here in London so far. I’m going to post photos (seeing as I’ve taked almost 700 so far) and tell stories through those 🙂

For my film studies class, we got to tour the Harry Potter studios. Needless to say I kind of freaked out. It took me 4 hours to get through the whole exhibit. I’m still in shock that I say some of the things I did. I’ve gained so much insight on film since I’ve taken this class and it’s definitely increased my passion to be a part of the film making process, especially production.And Harry Potter is HUGE chunk of my childhood. I actually teared up when I first got in there. It was bittersweet at the end to leave because I was revealed to all the secrets behind Harry Potter. Kind of like finding out that Santa Clause is your parents, I fell in love with the creators behind Harry Potter and not just the fantasy of it. And the class itself… what an amazing course. The Professor, Dr. D is brilliant. I love his teaching style, I’m a visual learner and he uses so many movie clips in his lectures. It’s great.

This photo was taken right before getting a on a speedboat with some people from CCSA and some new friends I met in the beautiful city of CARDIFF, WALES. I decided that I wanted to move there after college. I totally fell in love with this city. You look one direction and see the bay, the the city mixed with castles and modern buildings, rolling hills in the background, and England just across the ocean. What an amazing experience. The culture was a little different than London, which was nice to experience. I enojyed every second of this trip, even getting lost for 2 hours 🙂

This is my new best friend Victoria. She’s from Kentucky! We’re already planning a roadtrip to see each other this spring. We go do crazy fun things together after class like getting totally lost on the tube and ending up in places like THIS (see picture above). It’s so nice meeting all these new friends. Everyone is so friendly and open minded here, I don’t know what I would do without the group of people I’ve met so far! We are actually all going to Amsterdam next weekend which will be quite the experience! I hear it’s beautiful there also, can’t wait 🙂

Yes, the caption is correct. I went to the Quiddich world cup in Oxford. It was HILARIOUS and intense! Also, Oxford was breathtaking. The history there was so interesting. I went to a pub where C.S Lewis and Tolkien (famous authors…. you know, Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe and LORD OF THE RINGS…my FAVORITE) used to collaborate on their novels. Amazing.

To wrap this up, I’d just like to say that I am so thankful for this experience. I have grown so much as a person since I’ve been here. Talk about life changing. Cheers everyone 🙂


2 thoughts on “Adapting

  1. A person gains a greater understanding about and appreciation for people, places, and events when actually seeing where things happened, where people lived and wrote, where films were made. I can tell you’re making the most of your classes and your surroundings.

  2. Sounds like you are having an AMAZING time!!!! It is very exciting how travel can expand your world. By helping you meet new people and make friends from different cultures and life experiences, which aids you in expanding your own concepts and opinions by hearing theirs. It also helps you realize things about yourself, by learning about the culture of others you are able to truly learn what your culture is like. Keep exploring and expanding and above all keep having fun!!!

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