Western organizations prepare for socially distanced spirit week
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Western organizations prepare for socially distanced spirit week
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Reductions to student and faculty employment have occurred all over campus
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Western introduces quarantine meals to campus dining
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
White House begins tracing other potential COVID cases after President’s diagnosis
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Students participate in traditional sidewalk signing despite COVID
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
New student sunrise breakfast changed to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Western introduces a new learning platform called Canvas
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Administration denies ASWOU the ability to collect IFC fees, instead offering a one million dollar stimulus
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | News Editor Disclaimer: Please be advised that this article details police brutality, racism and murder. If those topics are triggering to you, please peruse our other articles. Protestors nationwide hold up signs reading “I can’t breathe,”...
Sage Kiernan-Sherrow | News Editor Though Oregon has entered Phase One of Governor Brown’s plan to reopen the state, Western’s plans for a virtual graduation ceremony haven’t changed. On June 13, at 10 a.m., Western will host a virtual commencement for the class of...