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Booze & reviews: “Valentine’s Day”

A comedic romance in the perspective of three drunken reviewers

Kyle Morden | Head Designer

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

“Valentine’s Day” may not have scored high on Rotten Tomatoes, but it sure makes for a great drunk movie night. Read our full reviews in our online issue, which may contain spoilers. Please drink responsibly.

Kyle Morden | Head Designer

This needs to be put out there. If Allie doesn’t say this, SHE IS PISSING WHILE WRITING THIS> 

Love, cheating, thriller, jason, harry styles, queen beyonce, and valentines day — a day full of lonely a– b—–s who somehow get a love interest by the end of the day?? EVEN THIS LITTLE A– 7 YEAR OLD GETS HIS ONWN MOTHER BACK?? “Lmao im 7 and love sick” B—H WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWSEFERSFDRSGFDRGFGFRGdfgfsjhfvsgfsjhghkjfbvdjkbfhjsdbhjvhbfhbhjvbjnkvbjnkfnk?????????fjkhsgjcgkhhbjkhjkgfbgjfhgfxhjgyibfhhsdjkbzakuhks. Btw. military families amitire? Love em. Thank god that military mom came back for her son. Btw tbh i only remember the actors name (bradley cooper hit me up)

Valentines day is a day where a lot of people get f—-d (up to your interpretation uwu)

Ok ok so “valentine’s day” a movie full of twist and turns and sharkboy and lavagirl — without the lava girl and shark. How the f–k do you get two taylors into one movie??? LET ALONE HAVE THEM DATE EACH OTHER??????????????????????


I accidentally deleted my last paragraph, so go watch this movie yourself.

GAY COUPLES ARE THE ONLY COUPLES. ALSO DONT F—–G GROUP ALLIE WITH ME. SHES CRAZy. She said shes rolling, but idk if she means the drug or literally rolling on the floor? Dont do drugs, drink responsibly

How much do i need to type? I dont remember a word count. I KNOW HOW TO FINISH THIS.

Overall review: Let’s get naked~ uwu

Slide into my dms @_kylemorden on instagram 😉

Or contact the author at chealy16@wou.edu

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

Okay first of all i was NOT too into this movie i was just having fun. MY ROOMMATE was into it tho

I would like to preface my review with the fact that i know none of the characters names, only taylor and taylor. I am inept when it comes to celebrities

Rotten tomatoes is WRONG, I had an AMAZING time watching this movie even though I was really confused. Who’s at the airport??? Whos barely legal in high school??? I could not tell you I could not

But listen. Really. It’s a fun movie to watch drunk. Tbh itd probably be Bad if I was not intoxicated. But it was cute! It was nice! There was representation! Gay men and single mums! We support them all!!! GAY BRADLEY COOPER!!!!!!!

Even through the confusion i was extremely satisfied w/ the ending. Through the MULTIPLE PG-13 sex scenes, there was still a sweet undertone where everyone got a happy ending uwu Not that I shouvlde expected ANY less from a 2010 rom com. Google “romcom drinking games” and watch this movie, you’ll have a fantastic time.

Contact the author at avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu or don;t

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Okay so this what I got from this, please note this is my first time being drunk in my life. There were a lot of straight people but at some point we were gay and it was beautiful. I’m convinced all of these people were stunt doubles cause there absolutely no way all these famous people got together. The stunt doubles failed to give me wolf man and sharkboy there was sex scenes sometimes which was fine but i wasn’t really paying attention because I was busy eating my chili fries there was a little boy with a lot of angst for no reason over a cougar woman In conclustion roses are expensive af, and this mans was throwing them in the lake to feed ducks and thats acceptable.  THE MILITARY MOM CAME BACK AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. Im going to bed 

Dont email me, i wont’ reply email thank you

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The Western Howl Staff

Theme: Romantic Advice!

Aries 3/21-4/19  

Gyrating hips.

Taurus 4/20-5/20

Have you read Killing Stalking? It had a lot of helpful tips

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

Don’t change who you are as a person just to please a crush

Cancer 6/21-7/22

Sometimes, in life and in love, risks must be taken.

Leo 7/23-8/22

Find a sugar daddy on Omegle and call it a day

Virgo 8/23-9/22

Romance is dead. Lie in your grave

Libra 9/23-10/22

Idk Mercury is in retrograde or something, good luck I guess

Scorpio 10/23-11/21 

Honestly just shoot your shot, the worst thing that can happen is they say ‘no,’ right?

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

get drunk and watch a movie with your partner, RESPONSIBLY

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

You don’t have to be in a relationship right now to know your self worth, let life progress naturally. You might be surprised what comes your way.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

Listen to boyfriend ASMR in the dark and pretend that you’re not lonely

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

Most times love will lead to tears. I cry everyday anyway so it’s worth the risk.

Western prepares for spring sports season

Western athletics is moving forward with plans to begin a socially distanced season of  games

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Western’s athletics department has announced the return of spring sports pending any changes from the Great Northwest Athletic Conference.

Spring sports — baseball, softball and track — are expected to be allowed to have games/meets starting next month,” said Western’s President Rex Fuller in a spring term email update sent out on Jan. 21. “We don’t know to what degree spectators will be allowed, but if they are, we encourage you to come out and support your WOU Wolves!”

Western is currently the projected host for GNAC championship games for softball and track and field this coming May, according to the GNAC website.

“We are so excited to host the championships this year,” said softball coach Lonny Sargent. “Being able to go to tournaments all summer and most of the fall is a normal year for us and this year that wasn’t possible.” 

Currently, Western’s athletics department is reflective of Phase Two of the National Collegiate Athletic Association revised three-phase plan — the Core Principles of Resocialization of Collegiate Sport. In Phase Two, groups larger than 50 must have measures of physical distancing and sanitization, restricted staffing, workout areas and facilities must be sanitized and nonessential travel is permitted. In preparation for the conference schedule this year, teams will continue with socially distanced practices and personal scrimmage matches. 

“We haven’t been indoors at all this year due to the strict guidelines,” said Sargent. “Since we are an outdoor sport and can stay socially distant from one another, we have been able to have practices.” 

According to Sargent, player safety is a priority.

“Our players wear their masks, all their equipment bags are at least six feet apart from one another and each player is required to do a health check every morning by 10 a.m. on days they will be on campus,” said Sargent.

Traditionally, athletic teams practice as an entire group, but the department has broken the players down into smaller groups. Practices will be held at various times throughout the day to ensure maximum social distancing and limited contact. 

“It’s very exciting,” said sophomore undecided major and Western baseball pitcher Matthew Dunaway. “We’ve been working hard in the fall, and hopefully we play this spring.”

According to Dunaway, the team has been participating in more scrimmages this winter in comparison to fall term. Dunaway explained that players had been assigned to arrive at certain times for small team meetings.

Our athletic department has put together a great plan and we’ve been able to follow the protocols to ensure safety,” said baseball coach Kellen Walker. “Our players have done a great job of being flexible with changes to practice times and locations. We’ve obviously had to make adjustments to get our work in, we’ve been creative in making sure our guys are staying as healthy as possible while getting back into shape and ready to compete in the upcoming season.”

Going forward into spring term, the GNAC Senior Management Council will be evaluating whether students will be permitted to gather at upcoming functions.

“We hope to have the fans of Monmouth come out and support us this spring,” said Dunaway.

To learn more about the games, visit wouwolves.com/calendar.

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu

IFC moving towards final fee decision for next term

IFC announces preliminary budgetary plans for spring 2021

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

The Incidental Fee Committee has announced preliminary decisions for spring 2021.

In an email announcement sent out on Jan. 21 by IFC Chair Makana Waikiki, the committee provided a spreadsheet of budgetary allocations and two variations of the IFC fee for next term.  During the Jan. 15 meeting, the IFC narrowed down the spring term fee to $115 or $125, to be voted on by students in a survey due Feb. 4. The budget sheet shows that the committee has opted to lower the $150 fee students saw on their bill this term due to lower budgetary requests, explained Waikiki in an open hearing on Jan. 27. 

Under the current proposed fee options, the IFC anticipates collecting either $462,500 or $502,750, depending on the fee option that is chosen. During fall term, the operating expenses from the 15 areas funded by the IFC totaled around $580,000 ⏤ about $400,000 less than last term’s operating budget. For the money allocation, the committee supplied two areas with additional funding: Student Media received $2,750; the Creative Arts department, $1,500.

At this time, the IFC is projected to finalize budgetary evaluations for spring term by Feb. 5. 

For students that are interested in the IFC’s process, the committee holds their meetings via Zoom every Friday starting at 9 a.m. All committee meetings are open to the public and the link to the meeting can be found at their website wou.edu/ifc/. For all other inquiries regarding the IFC, students can email the IFC Chair at ifcchair@mail.wou.edu.

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu


Western launches new study group app

Western has expanded its online academic support network through an app called CircleIn

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Western has announced their new partnership with an established educational support app known as CircleIn.

Founded in 2017 by Chief Executive Officer Gerald Meggett Jr., CircleIn was originally created to address the discrepancies in college graduation statistics for African American males and minorities across the country. However, the app is useful to all students pursuing higher education, according to an article written by Meggett.

Last spring, Western surveyed students about the challenges they are facing in online school.  Following up, Western reached out to CircleIn after original contact had been established in 2019.

“CircleIn automatically connects students with their classmates so they can form study groups, share useful materials and ask questions,” said Dean of Library and Academic Innovation Chelle Batchelor.

The app provides students with study tools to manage their workload, prioritize assignments and keep organized. After students log in to the app, they are provided with four color coded rectangles labeled “overdue,” “upcoming,” “in progress” and “done.”

“To help with motivation, CircleIn is gamified,” said Batchelor, “which means that as students complete various tasks and activities in CircleIn, they can earn points for rewards such as gift cards and scholarships.”

In the app, students can select from 26 major brands to earn rewards for, including Target, Spotify, Taco Bell and Starbucks.

“I already made $10,” said junior education major Elijah Thompson.

Prior to CircleIn, Thompson used to write assignments down as a reminder, and now the app CircleIn rewards the behavior.

“My printer just ran out of ink and now I might be able to afford more,” said Thompson.

In addition to a virtual planner, CircleIn automatically syncs to a student’s schedule to form study groups for all who are in the class. Batchelor stated that Western is currently exploring the idea of adding tutors within the group to provide additional support for online learning. 

Students interested in the CircleIn app can download it on their phones or go to the website circleinapp.com and access the services with no paid membership required.

Contact the author at scarpenter18@mail.wou.edu

Dungeon Delving for Dummies: “Xanathar’s Guide to Everything”

“Xanathar’s Guide to Everything” is Wizard’s of the Coast’s most helpful sourcebook

Stephanie Moschella |‌ ‌Digital Media Manager

“Xanathar’s Guide to Everything” serves as a compendium of everything extra and more. With beautiful artwork scattered throughout and hilarious riffs from the notorious gang leader Xanathar himself, this is an incredibly useful guide for dungeon masters. This sourcebook is split into three chapters: Character Options, Dungeon Master’s Tools and Spells ⏤ alongside extensions on character names and advice for DM’s. Nevertheless, Xanathar and his pet fish, Sylgar, take readers on a wild ride through all the brand new content to play with. 

If DM’s have more role-playing than roll-playing players, the character option guide is a massive win. Combat-focused players might find this section a bit underwhelming, however, nobody cares about what they think. There are many revisited and revised class modifications such as the Samurai fighter and the Swashbuckler rogue, along with a completely new subclass, the Horizon Walker ranger. Another win for the four players out there that still play a ranger. 

A compelling addition are the racial feats at the end of chapter one ⏤ which cover races such as tieflings and gnomes. There are various supplemental tables that DM’s could use to expand a nonplayable character’s background with a roll of a die or can act as a helping hand for new players. 

This sourcebook covers those complicated questions that come up during games, like the rules around waking someone up, exhaustion, seeing someone cast and identifying the spell and what the hell adamantine weapons are. Knowing those little, but important, rules can make a game run smoother and improves the efficiency of the DM. It’s great to know what to do when a player falls off a cliff.

Half of the spells in the original 5th edition handbook sucked, so I always look forward to any new ones that come out. The major additions to the druid, sorcerer and wizard spell lists give a much wider variety for extensive combat play. From Xanathar himself, “danger is everywhere. Always keep one eye open.”

Overall Review: Although not everything is balanced, many things this sourcebook visited can help build an entire campaign. 8/10 would recommend to players and DM’s alike! 

Contact the author at smoschella20@mail.wou.edu

‌A list of 15 TikTokers to definitely check out

Here are some TikTokers you may not already know

Natalie‌ ‌Dean‌ ‌|‌ ‌Entertainment‌ ‌Editor‌ ‌ ‌

One of the beauties of modern technology is how easy it can be to discover new content, music, videos, DIY’s, recipes and various creators and communities. With so many options out there, it can be hard to know where to start with some of these apps. Jump into TikTok by checking out these 15 TikTokers who have a variety of engaging stories, inspiring personal anecdotes, creative characters and useful information:

  1. blakesdailybread makes videos as a serious, and slightly creepy character, who jumps on new trends. 
  2. calebwfrancis has plenty of off the cuff jokes, situations and characters, and also shows clips from his Twitch streams. 
  3. candlereviews highlights satisfying melting and pouring videos of antique, detailed candles and reviews them.
  4. chantyb97 does videos with her bird, Hamlet, who likes to sing in the shower about bacon pancakes and always asks his owner, Bridget, “What doing?!”
  5. chaserutherford has immaculate music taste and dance moves, all while doing perfectly timed facial expressions that are perfectly timed. He also makes me want to buy a fisheye lens. 
  6. caseykfrey makes content that seems so effortlessly funny ⏤ and is definitely his own authentic sense of humor ⏤ through the use of POV’s, characters and dancing to trendy audios. 
  7. christiaan.long uses his energetic presence to talk about current happenings in his life, his mental health and interesting experiences he’s had. 
  8. davidyrodriguez creates characters and situations that are relatable but wild, plus his reactions and comedic timing are great.
  9. fascinatedbyfungi shows up-close clips of fungi and other aspects of nature in order to educate viewers. He also identifies the species of mushrooms and their qualities.
  10. flambothedog is a very smart pup who can speak about toys, walking, his owners and sister Espeon by using buttons on the ground ⏤ after being trained and learning how to do so.
  11. oldtimehawkey helps people with his calming nature vibes, grounding conversations and walks with his dog.
  12. shanewhalley is on a weight loss journey that has inspired many people; he gets vulnerable with his audience and is determined to keep working hard toward his goals. 
  13. truecrimecam has videos on true crime events and describes them with haunting detail.
  14. telehuefood takes food for thought to a whole new level with her cooking videos and stories. 
  15. what_about_bunny is another chatty dog, who also learned how to use buttons to communicate with her owners. 

Contact the author at ndean17@wou.edu