Sharing Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE)
Each Fall and Winter Term, PURE sponsors a special event: Sharing Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE). The purpose of each SURE event is to encourage undergraduate research. We hope to do so by:
- sharing research stories and experiences from undergraduates;
- hearing about research collaboration from undergraduates and mentoring faculty;
- learning about opportunities for undergraduates to get grants that support research;
- understanding how research and research experiences can improve our quality of life as well as our education;
- engaging with student and faculty presenters to learn how other undergraduates can have these opportunities.
Here is a video from SURE in Fall 2018.
In 2019, SURE takes place:
- Tuesday, October 22nd, from 12-1 in the WUC’s Willamette Room (check out the poster below!);
- Tuesday, January 28th, from 12-1 in the WUC’s Willamette Room.
If you have any questions, or are interested in presenting at current or future SURE events, please contact the PURE Director at
Past SURE Presentations
- November 26, 2018: 5 Presentation teams and 25 attendees. MarCom supported the event with food and video recording.
- March 19, 2019: 5 Presentation teams and 12 attendees. IRB supported the event with food.
SURE’s Co-Sponsors
Program for Undergraduate Research Experiences
Student Enrichment Program
Service Learning & Career Development
STEM Scholars
Institutional Research Board