If you would have told me that I would present not once, but two times at Academic Excellence Showcase (AES) after transferring to Western Oregon University, I would have laughed in your face. After engaging in research on Dr. Cannon’s research team and conducting my own research with two of my peers for Dr. Manoogian’s class, I was presented with two fear-inducing opportunities. Due to my supportive professors, I took these opportunities to present my findings at AES head on with my peers. When the day came, though I was shaky, I spoke with clarity and pride on what I had produced. While I was out of my comfort zone, stepping out is what led me to a plethora of new opportunities. I was not only invited to speak at an event at President Fuller’s house on our research findings, I was able to use my newfound confidence in public speaking while presenting at the Gerontological Society of America’s annual meeting in Boston, MA. Without the encouragement from my brave peers and proud professors, I would still be in my comfort zone lacking my newfound experience with public speaking. I am now more inclined to speak in class, advocate in my work setting, and encourage my peers to take the opportunities we are given. Our campus offers a safe place for students to develop skills that will help them as they advance into the workforce. Luckily for me, these skills have allowed me to develop as an individual as well.
By Hannah Wehr
Hannah is a student in the Gerontology Program.