Graduate Concert Guidelines
Graduate Concert Guidelines
Students will perform a master’s concert that represents the work they have done during their graduate studies at WOU.
Students will identify a Graduate Concert Committee comprised of three members of the music faculty, including:
- The student’s MUP instructor
- Two music faculty members of the student’s choice
- At least one tenured/tenure-track music faculty member
The scope of the concert — its length and complexity — is at the discretion of the Graduate Concert Committee.
Three weeks before the planned concert, the student will present it to the Graduate Concert Committee.
- All performers must be present at the jury. A video may be substituted upon prior approval by the Graduate Concert Committee.
- All aspects of the performance — musical, theatrical, & technical — must be available for review by the Graduate Concert Committee.
- Complete program notes — minimum of 600 words — will be presented to the Graduate Concert Committee at this time.
The performance presented must be the one approved by the Graduate Concert Committee.
Concerts must be presented in Smith Recital Hall or at a venue approved by the Graduate Concert Committee.