Competitors can be either individuals or teams of students. All participants must be current WOU students with more than 35 credits completed by end of Fall Term. A student, as an individual or part of a team, may only enter the competition once.
Faculty and staff may serve only as resources and not compete in the competition.
Projects are of the student’s choosing. However, while the project may be related to a student’s area of study, it shall be extra-curricular and must not be used as evaluation for course credit. This structure applies to independent studies as well as to formal classes. No class projects or papers are eligible to win this prize.
Award winner(s) will be required to complete a W-9 tax form as required by the IRS guidelines and are solely responsible for any tax implications of this award and should consult their tax advisors for additional information. Students do not need to be US citizens to participate.
The Prize winner(s) will be asked to present their work at the spring Academic Excellence Showcase event.