Memorial Day

I don’t intend to stray much from work-related stuff here in this blog, but today is an exception. It’s Memorial Day.

There are a lot of soldiers and sailors out there giving their lives, limbs, and sanity for what they believe in. No matter what you think of the Bush administration’s handling of this war, the troops deserve our support. Even more so if you (like me) don’t think the war was the right idea; if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that this means the troops are getting a raw deal from the government and deserve even more support from us.
If you’re thinking about buying one of those car magnets that say you support the troops, please don’t unless you actually have given time and money to support them or their families. Otherwise you’re really just saying “I support the company that made this magnet.”
Of course, if you’ve already served, that’s different. I salute you, and I salute the families of those who have given their lives.
But most of us have not, nor will we ever, put our lives on the line for what we believe in. Shouldn’t we at least put some time and money on the line instead? If you don’t know where to start, try a google search for charities that support the troops. Or take a look at this list.
If everyone spent as much money on actual support as we spend on flags and car magnets, I bet things would look a whole lot better for the troops. They’d still be in harm’s way, but at least they’d really know we were behind them.

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