Week Three

This weekend we took a trip to Mexico City. It was so much walking. I’m hurting now. My feet hurt and i’m badly sun burnt. We went to many museums. I learned a ton about the history. It was so interesting to hear about my culture. I learned so much. I called my real mom this weekend and told her all about it. She was impressed I remembered it all. I was off on some names but she was proud. I also brushed up on some of the information with my host mom and sister. They helped so much. I have an assignment for class about the history so this should be super helpful when writing about it later. On our trip we also went to the Frida Kahlo Museum it was amazing. I took so many pictures. it was nice getting to read about her story. We walked La Casa Azul which is very famous world wide.

We climbed the pyramids in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. The steps were so steep I had to stick with my friend Mikayla who was crawling up the pyramids. We partner crawled up. It was scary but so much fun. It was also the best view. I will have to go back one day.After we ate in the town and enjoyed a feast and shop the local shops.

Everyone around me is beginning to feel homesick and all I can say to them is that they will soon see their real families but they should enjoy the time here without constantly being reminded of home. I have been. I just wish they could enjoy the time that we have left the way I will.

-Anahisse Gonzalez




citteome meeeeeeeeeeeee

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