First Week In Rajgurunagar, India

Its really hard to describe my first week because it was jammed packed. I got to experience the culture by sitting on a pray. I got to ride through rural India on the train. I got see the drastic difference between rural India and new India. Even the people of India were  exciting to talk to. From trying to talk to people by learning Hindi and trying to break that language barrier has been a challenge, but I am willing to take that challenge

Then for my internship, I am learning how the non profit organization works. My internship project is to set up a program for the volunteers  to follow. It is a learning process to navigate my way through the organization but it would not be called an internship for nothing.

I learned so much, and there was so much to learn from the people, culture, and organization that its really hard to describe. The organization focuses on rural women by showing them that they have the tools to be empowered through micro finance, education, or livelihood. There are so many levels to the organization that every week is a learning process.

Other than that, the town is a rural town where we have power sharing days.  Basically, one building turns off its power so other buildings can share the power. Another thing that I have to live with is living in a world of vegetarians. Do not get me wrong, the vegetarian meals are good but I have to go out of town to go to a restaurant where they serve meat. I enjoy the adventure though.

Overall I am having a great time.

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3 thoughts on “First Week In Rajgurunagar, India

  1. I recently had dinner with a friend here in London and he told me that because he married into an Indian family, he learned a new appreciation for vegetables. It sounds like you have as well.

    Setting up a volunteer program for an NGO is really an important task. I’m so pleased that you are having the kind of experience you are.


  2. How interesting about the power sharing days, what do you do on the days that you don’t have power? I enjoy reading your posts because I am in London which is obviously very modern and fast paced compared to how India sounds for you.

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