Week Eight: Life Continues


Crocuses make me happy, okay?

My linguistics professor got sick this week. None of us figured this out until someone thought to check Moodle (they use Moodle here too, which I had not been expecting.) We were forty minutes into class at that point. It wasn’t a waste of time for me, since I got to use the opportunity to ask people about their various experiences in school before now. The general consensus was high school was not pleasant.

I took the opportunity to actually go into the shops I pass everyday to get to campus or down town. I focused on the gift shops, and really didn’t find much of a difference between them and the ones in the states. They do however differ markedly from the shops in Old and New Town, particularly Prince’s Street, in the obvious absence of tartan.

I encountered several instances of Daffodils for Marie Curie, which is a fundraiser for Marie Curie Cancer Care, a UK charity that provides care for terminally ill patients. I took the opportunity to donate on several different occasions and as a result I now have two daffodil pins. I haven’t worn them, but I’ve continued to see people with one pinned to the outside of their coat.

I worked my way through the rest of the National Museum of Scotland’s new building, which is the part dedicated to Scottish through the ages. The top floor was dedicated to the last century, and they had a video of native Scots talking about different aspects of being Scot, like what they like best about the country, what they like least, how they would describe themselves, and how they think others would describe them. They talked too fast for me to take notes like I would have liked. Anthropologist problems.


This obviously isn’t from the 20th century. Everything about it’s existence confuses me. Just… why?

The rest of my pictures didn’t go with any of the things above and more or less stand on their own.


I am slowly becoming addicted to these sandwiches, and all they are is cheese and tomatoes. And bread. But that’s sort of a requirement for a sandwich.


The most common piece of intellectual vandalism I’ve run into. I’ve found it in several locations in different colors and it makes me smile every time.


I had to.
For science.
I feel like I’m going to regret this.

2 thoughts on “Week Eight: Life Continues

  1. Was there a particular shop that was your favorite? If so why? I was just reading the blog and was curious or if one didn’t stand out what is your favorite shopping place you have been to date?

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