Mid Semester Break- Week Two

Last week of break was so much fun! This week Kiki and I really just lounged by the pool at our hostel and hung out with some new people. Met a girl named Jodi from Canada and started hanging with her quite a few times. We also met some really fun Lacrosse players from Colorado and we had fun reminiscing about America. Cairns is so pretty and we’ve had fun meeting all kinds of new people. Another girl from our CIS Abroad program came out to Cairns the same time as us, so we all three went to dinner and laughed about our time together at the very beginning of our trip. These two weeks have been more than amazing and I might go as far as to saying that Cairns is my favorite place I’ve visited in my life.

Kiki and I decided on one last hooray in Cairns and decided to go horseback riding in the jungle. I rode a horse called Whistle. I quickly realized how big horses really are once we started riding. Whistle was fun to ride, and we also went swimming while I was on his back. Its a crazy feeling swimming while on the back of a horse that’s swimming also.

This is Whistle and I before we went out into the jungle for the day

This is Whistle and I before we went out into the jungle for the day

Whistle’s Treats

After we spent the day in the jungle they had us feed our horses a little treat of molasses to say ‘Thank you’ for sharing the day together. Honestly, I thought the molasses on my hands was gross, but I was happy that Whistle liked it! About to be heading back to Sydney, I already miss it up here. The perfect weather and no schedule to attend to everyday. Cairns, you will be missed.

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