Jaw Dropping First Impressions

 It wasn’t easy to get here but I finally did, after going through multiple airports, bus systems, and an over night stay in Newark New Jersey, arriving in London gave me such peace. As I arrived in the airport, by accident I bumped into another CCSA student, both of us being in the baggage claiming line. Her name was Liz we were able to help each other and ended up finding a bigger group that was heading to the Washington MayFair. I felt like a very lucky girl. I had all feelings of confusion and mixed emotions having not slept whatsoever. Heading to the hotel was a good feeling, knowing that I was safe and headed in the right direction. We were told my two CCSA teachers that we would go on a tour, suddenly my eyes popped straight open and I was no longer tired, but jumping up and down in excitement. I kept saying to my self, ” I cant believe I am here.”

A Breath Taking Moment

The House of Parliament

The House of Parliament near the Royal Gallery located in Westminster was one of the first buildings that completely took my breath away. Stepping in front of this building and looking up, had my jaw wide open and my eyes in complete shock of the architecture that I was facing straight on. And the history behind this building is incredible. Having two houses of parliament the Lords and the Commons. Big debates occur here, the government formulating legislation.

The streets were covered with people,  but for a second I felt like it was only I that was looking at this incredible building. It was so surreal. It was only the first couple hours and I felt sure of my being here in this city, this small town girl had arrived!

As I kept walking around, I came upon this other beauty…


Westminister Abbey

Westminster Abbey which is one of the oldest and most important churchs in London. Kate Middleton and princess Diana both wed in this holly church.  This image is set with my camera looking up because I wanted to show how high these towers actually are. And how the arc is centered perfectly between the two towers. This West Tower front was completed in 1745 and was design by NichlasHawksMoor. I learned that with in the walls, there are examples of mid-evil architecture, its a half church and half natural museum. This whole time I am walking around, my fear, feeling of aloneness all went away. It was surely a jaw dropping first day.


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