Week in Newcastle

This week I spent with the CIS Abroad crew playing and doing all kinds of things in a small beach town called Newcastle. This town is adorable and I have met some pretty awesome people so far on my trip. We spent the beginning of the week in Sydney then took a bus up to Newcastle where we have been staying at a hostel that’s really close to the beach. So far we have done so much fun stuff out here. We went out into the middle of the desert, but really it was apart of the ocean and went sandboarding. It was so much fun, hiking up the hill got really tiring though. On the way up we got a huge tour of the town, which was surprisingly much bigger than I imagined it being.


This is a picture of our whole group on the way up to go Sandboarding

After a long day of sandboarding we were able to go have a BBQ at a petting zoo! I was most excited about going to the petting zoo. All kinds of animals were there like goats, sheep, camels and kangaroos. I loved the kangaroos even though they are a bit temperamental at times they are so soft! There was a huge area where they were just able to roam around and play as they wished, they were a big lazy like this lil’ guy and just lounged around most of the visit.


This lil’ kangaroo just lounging in the sun, posing for the camera


Me with a baby Kangaroo


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