Well, it´s bee…

Well, it´s been a while hasn´t it? Two weeks to be exact since my last post.

There are a couple reasons for that. One, the internet at my host site comes and goes as frequently as a door-to-door salesman, so even when I can log in I never have enough time to finish the post. Second, as a general rule I am not allowed to go anywhere by myself, which has been an incredibly difficult adjustment for me. Currently, I am the only volunteer here so if there is not a staff person to go somewhere with me then guess what, I can´t go. Ugh. Sometimes it is very frusterating not having my independence. I know it is a cultural thing and a form of protection, but I don´t know if I will ever get used to it. Thankfully, there is another volunteer coming in just a little over a week, which means I can drag him along wherever whenever. Haha, that sounds a bit mean, but I´m feeling a bit desperate to have someone to go places with me.

Well, enough of my lack of independence rant. Moving on to some more exciting and positive news. This weekend I have had the most wonderful opportunity to stay with a Guatemalan family! The Long Way Home staff left for a retreat and, of course, I could not stay by myself so they arranged for me to stay with a family who has opened their doors to other volunteers who wanted to do a home-stay. I am only staying until Monday, but so far it has been such a treat to spend time with a family from Comalapa and see how they live. Yesterday for dinner we had tamales, which are much different than the tamales I´ve had in Mexican restaurants or from my friends´ moms. They were wrapped in a huge banana leaf and all mushy, which was absolutely delicious! I described to them the tamales I am used to and they told me that is called a chuchito. I was amazed that the same food could be prepared and called something completely different in two countries that share the same border. Que intersante!

Well, it´s almost lunch time and Ana, my house mama, told me to be back by 1:30pm. I wonder what we will have today? (:



3 thoughts on “Well, it´s bee…

  1. Yes, I can imagine that it’s frustrating not having freedom of movement. As women in the U.S. we have the opportunity to be very independent. I’m assuming that the young men have more freedom, so it will be interesting when the other volunteer arrives and you can get out and do some things together. I’ll look forward to hearing how that changes things for you. I admire how you are adjusting, though, even with this frustration. You are understanding about the customs and you’re enjoying and appreciating the wonderful food and the kindness the people extend to you. Michele

  2. A few thoughts from Papa. Soak it up Shanny and learn as much about their culture as you can. Find out how your hosts think….what they think, and…… how much that is similar or dissimilar to Your life experience, yes? This is such a great opportunity, and you don’t want to waste it on incidental fluff. These people have survived, endured and blossomed over hundreds of years. Why?….. Thinking of you and my love to you always.

  3. Aloha from Maui Shannon….You must be settled in now….I have been in those small Mexican, Nicaraguan and Guatemalan towns, like where you are now….It really is a wonderful experience to interchange with these people.The differences are huge at first, and as time goes by, those differences seem to diminish. It’s then, you find out how similar human beings are, no matter where you are in the world. One great advantage is, you speaking the language. That really helps to break down the barriers. I always hunted for those similarities rather than differences. You bring joy to our life Shanny and I hope this experience is bringing joy to your life. Papa

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