Last week in Honduras

This last week was quite emotional, one because I was leave and two because I missed my family who were constantly calling me, to tell me that they’re very excited to see me again. Everyone who we met wanted to celebrate are departure. As a token of their appreciation I was given a bag pack by my supervisor, a wallet from my host mom and a bracelet from an organizer. I was not expecting any gift from them because they had already done so much for me. It was nice to be surprised with little fiesta to wrap. The next day workers coordinated to take us to the beach and had lunch prepared for at the office. It was truly a week of thank you’s, not just from the workers but also for us interns.


As for the family that we got to know and to live with, they were very heart broken that we were leaving. I will say that I will miss all of them but I am lucky enough to have their contact information, so I can keep in touch. I have already received Facebook messages were the workers are emailing me about the next visit. Although I made it clear that the internship programs like to give everyone the opportunity to learn about the maquila industry they still are very hopeful that one day I will return. I’m sure that Honduras has not seen the last of me and I am sure that I will come back to visit my family in Honduras who have told me many times that I will always have a home in Honduras.


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