Halfway point

Wow… Time has been flying over here. As of right now, I am halfway done with my program, and completely done with my first block of Spanish. Wow. This is going by WAY too fast!! Today is a little melancholy. A lot of the people here are only going to be here for 5 weeks (leaving next Friday). I’ve made so many friends and met such wonderful people here. I’m not ready for them to leave!! Luckily, there are about 7 people who will be here for the next 4 week block, so we won’t be totally alone!!

2 of my favorite people. They're leaving in a week :(

2 of my favorite people. They’re leaving in a week 🙁 Kelsey and I will be here for another four weeks

Our program will only been about 3 people next term, so this will be a completely different experience for me. Here’s to meeting new people and making new friends!!!



2 thoughts on “Halfway point

  1. Right now I am prepairing to leave. I have one more week and another trip but it seems unreal that I have been here for so long already and it is coming to an end. It will be very hard saying bye to some really good friends that I have made over here, both American and Australian. Continue to have an awesome time!

  2. Time goes by so quickly. Friendships are one of the most wonderful and lasting outcomes of studying abroad. And because there are usually sessions of varying lengths students come and go and one feels the pangs of new friends leaving and the anticipation of new students arriving and wondering what they’ll be like. The next four weeks are going to fly by. Enjoy your time, use your Spanish as much as you can, and make a plan about how you’re going to stay in touch with the friends you’ve made. Michele

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