Cute and cuddly or dangerous and downright venomous?

For our first excursion we went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. This place was amazing! We spent a lot of the day there and it was arranged so we got VIP access to the animals. I petted a dingo called Rafe, fed more than one kangaroo, had some one on one time with a very cute koala, and had about 10 different birds land on me at once. I am so lucky to have gotten this opportunity because most people do not.

Although the sanctuary was fun I have barely started my journey here. We have also set out on out first of many adventures that will take us all the way up until the end of the program and our return to the US. Right now, I am on North Stradbroke Island staying at Moreton Bay Research Station. We are still in Queensland, but it feels more tropical here. We spent the day looking for different species on the beach. It was a lot of fun, but it got even better as soon as the sun went down. We went torch (flashlight) hunting for koalas and bottle nosed dolphins. Although I have already seen koalas, I have never seen them in the wild and it was really amazing to look up and see them just sitting there looking at us like it was completely normal. Even though that was a blast I cannot describe how excited I was when I saw my first dolphin. They swam right up to us and stayed around for a little while. It was very cool.  Katherine

5 thoughts on “Cute and cuddly or dangerous and downright venomous?

  1. I have always wanted to travel to Australia because of the variety of animals that don’t have to be locked up in cages for us to see. I would love to see some pictures from your adventure. I hope you can put some on your next post. I will look forward to hearing about your other adventures. I want you to help me decide if I want to go there or not!

  2. I love it here so far! I have always wanted to come to Australia but it was kind of one of those probably never going to happen things and I still have a hard time believing that I’m here. I have experienced so many new things and animals that I would never have otherwise seen. It was amazing getting to play with the kangaroos and see wild koalas and dolphins. I cannot wait for the Great Barrier Reef and snorkeling and diving! I have always wanted to see the reef =) So my opinion, you should come as soon as you have the chance. There are other programs that are longer or focus on different topics, whatever you want you could probably find.

  3. I’ve not visited Australia and have always want to do so. As an anthropology major, you must feel like you’re in an amazing anthropology laboratory. What kind of research does the Moreton Bay Research Station do? I would love to learn more. Michele

    • The course I am taking does a lot with the history of Australia and it’s people. I absolutely love when we talk about the Aboriginal people, they are so fascinating. While at Morton Bay we had a man who was half Aborgine come and talk to us. He taught us how to throw boomerangs, play some instruments and how his people used to live off of the land. Morton Bay does research on the wildlife and fauna living in that area. It is a very secluded little island and they are trying to preserve it as best they can.The station does a lot with volunteers and local help as well.

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