Camas fer Dayz

For my 19th birthday on July 6th, I did what any rational 19 year old would do and set off for a Wonder of the World with some of my classmates. It takes 18 hours to get to Puerto Iguazu on a bus, so we knew we were in for a treat. There was a minor scandal involving Emily accidentally buying a ticket for semi-cama instead of cama on the way back, but we rolled with it, and she made some new friends.


And the buses look like THIS!

After half-sleeping the night away, we got to Puerto Iguazu around 2pm on Saturday, and settled into our hostel, which had some beautiful bamboo right outside our door.

For the rest of Saturday we explored around the town, because we wanted a full day at the waterfalls on Sunday. We got some souvenirs and ate at a traditional Argentinian restaurant.

On Sunday we got up, traveled a short half hour to the waterfalls, and explored all over Iguazu.


It was kinda crazy beautiful.

We walked through all the different trails, got attacked by Coatis, and took tons of pictures of the incredible waterfalls.


Seriously, the Coatis were everywhere. And they had no fear.


Here’s me and a double rainbow!

 Overall, it was a beautiful trip, and for as last minute and spontaneous as it was, everything worked out really perfectly. We had a gorgeous blue sky day at the falls, and got back in plenty of time to catch our bus back to Rosario. We met some nice people, and had a fantastic adventure.  Anne

3 thoughts on “Camas fer Dayz

  1. I’ve had such a great time following all of the posts for Iguazu Falls. I’m a bit envious. I wasn’t able to visit the falls when I was in Argentina, and I have always regretted that.

    The coatis rather remind me of some of the squirrels in U.S. parks–totally without fear and hoping for a food handout of some sort.

    I love Argentina and all that it has to offer, and I’m delighted that our WOU students are embracing this wonderful country. Michele

  2. Happy birthday! I love your photos. Iguazu looks gorgeous and I’m a little jealous. That double rainbow is really cool – it seems so close! Is it weird that I think the coatis are kind of cute? They look kind of like a possum-raccoon-squirrel hybrid, only less likely to run in front of your car.

  3. Hi-
    I know it is a little late, but Happy Birthday! That must have been such a treat to get to experience all of that plus having a birthday. The ultimate birthday present for sure! I really liked reading your post. I am glad that you are having an adventure and learning about a new culture. When you mentioned Emily buying the wrong ticket, it reminded me of my experience in Australia. We have never been to these places so of course we are going to make mistakes but we have to learn to make the best of them and go with it.

    I am still worried that my friends and I will get on the wrong bus (we are allowed A LOT of free time and unless in a lecture, we are allowed to do whatever we want as long as we are safe) and we will get lost and something bad will happen. Rationally, I know this will not happen because all we have to do is tell someone we are lost and because everyone is so nice over here we will make our way back home. As they commonly say here, “No worries mate”

    The pictures are beautiful and I am looking forward to hearing more!

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