Here we Go!!!

Our first look of London was amazing!! We got off the plane and the first thing we walked past were two Airport staff with accents!!!!! I couldn’t stop grinning!! 😀 It was Brilliant! We then walked a winding path that had to have been a mile long to get to Immigration; Angela ‘bravely’ lead the way and we were thankfully let through we then picked up our luggage which went surprisingly quickly and easy and through customs.

Now we wait…for more passengers who were from a different school but in our Program, there were six of us from WOU and then about fifteen from different schools. During the wait we enjoyed listening to accents and using the ‘Toilet’ not the Restrooms, as they say ‘why would anyone want to rest in the Toilet?’ (imagine that with an accent!!!) Boy oh Boy are they different too!!!


These are some new friends on the right and my WOU Roommate on the Left, we are outside waiting on the Coach…or bus.             

While we waited we got a glimpse of London, or at least a preview, such as cars….

And Speed limit signs

And cars on the road!!

And some things that NEVER remind you of Home….False Hope!!!!


These pictures were all taken from the bus on the ride over, for a first look it was thrilling!! All my jet lag dissapeared I was so excited!!!

We arrived in North London at the Hampstead dorm location of King’s college just in time for Breakfast, and the rain….

Traditional fish and chips!!! Not really sure what’s up with the pea’s though, I guess they aren’t famous for their pea’s…however they did serve Tomatoes…totally stole that from us!!!! In case you didn’t know Tomatoes are indigenous to the U.S.

Anyone want to make a phone call?

 After lunch we joined a tour that one of the teacher’s lead showing us around the campus area…we learned where the ATM is and how to find the local shops, we were introduced to the metro system…which is not what they call it here apparently….and the public transit, also the wrong name…

So far things are going great, made some friends and enjoying the area, soon we get to go on a tour with the CCSA program…So Excited!!!

~ Arieal

3 thoughts on “Here we Go!!!

  1. Hello Arieal! Needless to say, I can relate to pretty much every part of your adventure so far seeing as we were pretty much side by side on the way 😉 I hope you’re having a blast! We need to meet up and do something fun this week! It’s a bummer we’re not in the same dorms. I’m in HRF 001, where are you girls located? Let’s go out to dinner early this week!

  2. I’m glad you were able to figure out the WOU Students Abroad and are now posting. Once you’re settled in, I’ll look forward to posts about your class, the program excursions, and interesting sites, people, etc. you see where you can apply DIVE (describe, investigate, verify, explain). Enjoy London. Michele

  3. London seems great so far. It’s funny how things are named differently but look the exact same. I always wondered why that was. Anyways sounds like you are settling in well. You already have a dinner invitation…sounds nice, wish I could come join! Hope you have a blast.

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