Exploring the World!! One Country at a Time!!

I have certainly done my fair share of traveling. I have seen over 38 US States and have been to both Canada and Mexico, but this is the first time I have left the continent! I am very excited and extremely nervous about the entire thing!! I feel pretty sure that I am reasonably experienced in traveling, but what I love is that every time an individual travels to a new place they revert back to being completely inexperienced because every place is new and different!! I will certainly enjoy adding this experience to my travel log =D

I have always wanted to go to London, as far back as I can remember it has been one of the top five places I wanted to go to. So it is wonderful that I am actually getting to go! I am hesitant to speculate on what it will be like when we all get there, mostly because we are going during the summer Olympics. Which, will (I am sure) change a lot of the atmosphere. So I do not know what to expect really. I feel that above all it will be fantastic!

I am so nervous I do not know what to expect exactly. I know that while there I want to see as much as I possibly can, though I know I won’t be able to truly scratch the surface of the culture, I want to be able to really experience it. I also really, really, really want to make as many friends as I can. I would love to meet new people from all over the world, I am sure I will get the chance considering the timing, and hopefully this will allow me to stretch my perception of the culture I will be immersing myself in as well as the perception that others have on my own culture!!

The entire process will be amazing I am sure, I think the best part (and the worst part) at this point is not knowing what to expect at all. I can only hope that I am ready!!  Angela

One thought on “Exploring the World!! One Country at a Time!!

  1. Indeed, the best and worst part is always not knowing what to expect! I often tell students to try to clear their heads of any pre-conceived notions and to simply enter the new culture with open eyes and an open heart. I know you’re departing today, and since I’ve taken the same journey several times, I can visualize your arrival at Heathrow, see the staff who will be there to greet you (a great team of administrator you’re going to enjoy) and the bus ride through London on the way to King’s College–sleepy with jetlag but wanting to keep eyes open in order not to miss a thing. Michele

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