Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July to all of you–those already abroad and those preparing to depart.   There are so many U.S. expatriate communities around the world that it’s likely some Americans in your host country and city are celebrating the 4th.

As a student abroad, how does it feel to be in another country on this U.S. holiday?  Are you doing something to celebrate? I would enjoy hearing about how you spent the day.  It also would be interesting to know if your host country has a similar holiday of independence, when it is, and how the people celebrate that day.

You’re off to a great start with your posts.  And I really like your posts to other students.  They’re so positive, informative, and encouraging–a pleasure to read.  Michele


One thought on “Happy 4th of July

  1. In Rosario for the 4th, some of the American students from all over the states got together at the Universidad and had pizza and pop. It was fun to be able to celebrate even though I was not doing my usual thing of watching fire works and being with my family. It still turned out to be okay. July 9th is Independence Day here so I will be curious to see what happens.

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