Mount Hood

Art at Western

Art exhibits open for viewing this October at Western

Camille Lenning | Entertainment Editor              

Western’s galleries are open again after an 18 month hiatus, and pieces in galleries such as the Student Gallery in the ITC, the Cannon Gallery of Art and the second floor gallery in Hamersly Library are open for public viewing during normal building hours, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. until Oct. 29. 

The Annual Juried Student Art and Design Exhibition returns in its 53rd iteration to the newly remodeled ITC, featuring the talented students who entered in last year’s online exhibit. 

Senior nontraditional transfer student Melody Barrett has two collage pieces in the student gallery, “Frida Rides Again” and “Ladies in Waiting.” A dedicated artist, Barrett has also sold a print of her piece “Ladies in Waiting” to the City of Monmouth Arts Committee. 

“I believe art is an expression of the artist, what we see and feel, experience and imagine,” Barrett said. “That is why I love using a wide range of mediums including collage, acrylic painting, soft pastels and mixed media, because each one allows my thoughts, feelings and ideas to come through in very different ways.” To see her other work, check out Barrett’s website at

Graduate student Genvieve Hardin has two pieces in the gallery, sculptures “D20” and “Be Not Afraid.” Hardin is in the Master of the Arts in Teaching program, and has expressed her excitement for having her work in the ITC gallery.

“My art is a way to connect with others and express myself. It is wonderful to have my art on display; I always wonder what people see and feel when they view my work!” Hardin said.  

Senior zoology and art and design double major Tobin Roark has three pieces on display.

“’Liquescent Shift’ was a tribute to my gramma opening up and freeing herself from the grief of her husband passing,” Roark said of their art. “’Burning at the Stake’ was commentary on the demonizing of sexuality and women linking burning witches at the (stake) with pole dancers. And lastly ‘Touch of Menace’ … was commentary on how appearances can be deceiving and corruption and greed.”

Senior art major McKenna Suarez displayed her digital pieces “Photoshop Series” in the exhibit. Her art was the only digital entry. 

“These pieces to me mean a lot, as they help to represent or show what Social Anxiety is like to me, and the ‘tricks’ I use to help me talk to people or interact in public,” Suarez said. “Similar to the phrase ‘Just think of them in their underwear!’ when you ask someone for tips on public speaking. I just imagine everyone with a bird head with a cool aesthetic background.”

Senior art major David Tomasiewicz has one piece displayed in the gallery, “MotoDrop #3.” Different from the peers he shares the gallery with, Tomasiewicz’s preferred medium is animation or film. 

“I see art as a tool and means to create the animated fantasies that exist in my collective dreamscape,” Tomasiewicz said, “a way to invite people to peer into the landscapes existing within my conscious.” 

Also included in the exhibit are students Marilyn Bergsma, with “If Wishes Were Horses Beggars Would Ride” and Mitchel Garson, with “Image of Guitar,” “Insomnia,” “Why,” “Untitled” and “Unfortunate Futures.” 

Venturing outside of the student exhibits, Eric Tautkus, an aerosol and graffiti artist, has unveiled his newest art installation, “Derailed Marginally” in the Cannon Gallery of Art in Campbell Hall. This new work is a colorful, immersive piece spanning an impressive 50 feet — split between two walls. Smaller paintings by Tautkus are on display as well. When the exhibit closes on Oct. 29, two-foot square sections of Tautkus’ work will be sold to help fund the student gallery in the ITC. 

Additionally, in the second floor gallery of Hamersly Library, local artist Diane Elizabeth Wilson debuted her exhibit titled “On Bended Knee, We Honor Thee,” in reference to the symbolic act of kneeling in protest for civil rights. The exhibit features 60 oil painted portraits of civil rights leaders and activists that have made an impact on society. 

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Campus voices: Jazz Orchestra

Western’s jazz orchestra members answer, “How does it feel to be practicing inside again?” 

Camille Lenning | Entertainment Editor

Noah Adams, senior audio production major, drumset

“I would say it’s very nice … it makes it a lot nicer, a lot more inviting for me to be here for a while if I’m practicing.”

Nathan Richardson, junior jazz studies major, saxophone

“It’s been great. I actually wasn’t here last year; at the school I was at before it was completely online so we didn’t play together at all, so just being able to play in general with other people has been amazing.”

William Murphree, first-year music education major, saxophone

“I think it feels great personally because there are a lot of challenges that come with playing outside … especially when it’s colder, things like intonation, it’s harder to hear other people in the ensemble, it’s harder to blend with people and hear, like, the different intricacies of the pieces that you’re playing, and also it’s just like cold out, so your hands get cold.”

Essence Githens, sophomore music education major, trombone 

“It’s a lot better. Playing outside has its benefits, like being louder and like building up your lungs honestly. But playing inside, I think you really just connect more with the music and it’s easier to hear who’s playing, who’s playing what and blending a lot more. So, I enjoy it.” 

Sorin Santos, first-year music education major, trombone

“It’s very exciting, it changes the way how, like, the ensemble feels because outside it feels like you’re playing out into nothing, almost. But when you’re inside you can hear everybody better and you feel more a part of an ensemble when you’re playing inside and together.” 

Lucas Devon, junior music education major, trumpet

“It feels really nice … I don’t know, like playing outside is fine, but when it gets super cold it’s just like you can really feel it and it just makes everything so miserable, so being inside is super great.”

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Budgeting tricks: the cash envelope system

A quick guide to budgeting effectively

Sarah Austin | Lifestyle Editor

Being on one’s own can cost a lot of money; from big items like rent and other bills to miscellaneous things such as a night out or the latest video game, saving can seem impossible. Budgeting with spreadsheets can be difficult or feel like another homework assignment, so a simpler technique is the cash envelope system. This system helps teach mindful spending habits while ensuring the user stays on budget. Here is a guide to start saving money with the cash envelope system. 

To begin, a good rule to follow is the 50/30/20 method: 50% of funds go to needs, 30% wants and 20% to financial goals.

Make an envelope for each category that applies: rent, utilities, phone bill, gas, groceries, emergency, savings and leisure.

Put aside cash in each envelope corresponding to the amount used. For example, rent gets $500 each month, the phone bill gets $75 and so on. To plan for gas, look at past months to see the average spending, or take the miles driven in one week divided by the mileage of the car and multiplied by the price of gas. 

Anything left over after bills are paid can be distributed through the other categories, such as setting a certain amount towards a savings goal for the holidays or wanted item. 

Carrying cash may be an unattractive option for some due to safety or the time to set it up; luckily, there are free applications that follow the same concept and use the 50/30/20 rule. 

“Mvelopes” is a website and app that takes approximately 15 minutes to set up budgeting goals. Another website and app with a similar tool to track spending habits is called “Goodbudget.” More popular in the budgeting category, “Clarity Money” is a free, easy to use tracker that can also be connected to bank accounts.

Trying this trick? Send in photos to be featured on our Instagram, @thewesternhowl.

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Bailey Schafer: Where would you go?

Interviewing Western students on their dream travel destinations

Sarah Austin | Lifestyle Editor

With COVID-19 limiting travel for many, “The Western Howl” set out to create a piece where we ask students their travel dreams. In between classes, I caught Western senior Bailey Schafer, an education major, to ask her about her dream destination. 

If you could leave tomorrow and go anywhere, where would you go?


Have you been there before?

Yes. I’ve been there twice. First when I was 11 and the next (when) I was 17.

That must be a long flight.

Yeah. It’s like 16 to 18 hours.

What do you do for that long in a plane?

Sleep mostly or read. If it’s a nice plane I’ll watch a movie.

What factors (cuisine, architecture, natural beauty, nightlife) draw you there?

I have family there, it’s really beautiful. There (are) a lot of landmarks to visit too.

What key things would you do while there?

Visit The Giant’s Causeway and the Cliffs of Moher.

Where would you go to eat?

There’s a cafe I really like called Java Republic. My uncle owns it, it’s like the Dutch Bros of Ireland.

What barriers keep you from actually going?

Money and being able to take time off of school and work.

Since you’ve been there before, how much would you say it cost to go?

A few grand. I stay with family so I save there and with food but it’s really the plane tickets that are expensive. Traveling by bus there is cheap too.

If you were able to take time off work and school with your current financial resources, realistically where would you go? 

I would go to California to visit my best friend! She lives in San Bernardino.

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Interviewing tips and techniques

Four tricks to leave a good impression on potential employers

Sarah Austin | Lifestyle Editor

The need for a job becomes apparent for just about everyone at some point in their life. One of the most important things about a job can be the interview — it sets up not only the opportunity for employment, but also for one’s path as they progress at said job. Here are four of the most important focusing points to help land the job.
Dress for the job being interviewed for. According to Jill Hurd, broker at Taylor & Taylor Realty Co. in Lincoln City, “It shows the person’s motivation and determination.”

It is safer to overdress for an interview than to underdress. If applying for a job where the dress code is casual, go business casual if possible. Dress up an outfit that is already owned with small details such as adding jewelry like a watch or earrings, accessories like a portfolio or purse and wearing a clean pair of shoes. Make sure to also be well groomed. 

Dressing for success in business casual wear is a great way to impress potential employers.

First impressions are important, so make sure you show up prepared for the interview. Know who is conducting the interview and memorize their name. Bring a resume copy and any references to the meeting. This shows organization and gives the appearance of professionalism. Research the company as well so if a question arises the ability to answer will be quicker and the interviewer will be more likely to remember you. Lastly, read the listed job post, and look up the resumes of other people with the same title. This is a great way to tune up a resume with skills that may not have previously been considered. 

Eye contact with the interviewer is proven to convey confidence and self esteem which are important qualities in an employee, according to Fusion Career Services. This can be a difficult task for many, but try to remember to look them in the eye at least 50% of the time, or try focusing on one eye and switching while they talk. 

“Eye contact is the number one thing for me,” said Jody Gaver, guidance director at Taravella High School in Florida. “I always tell my students that. If you can’t look in my eyes to talk to me and show interest and are looking around everywhere, I would be concerned you can’t do your job well.”

Tardiness to an interview can foreshadow later punctuality issues. Not only will arriving 10 – 15 minutes early to an interview allow time to decompress and prepare, but will also indicate to the employer that their time is valued and can earn respect. 

“I have always been praised for showing up early to interviews and making it a talking point before exiting at the end that being on time is something I pride myself in,” said Caitlyn Kessinger, former nanny in Dallas.

Contact the author at

Crack up to these spooky jokes

Hilarious Halloween jokes to rattle the bones

The Western Howl Collective

With the Halloween holiday comes many things — costumes, decorations, scary movies and stories — but it also brings in the chance to tell some fun, themed jokes to make others laugh during the spooky season. Read on to find some funny Halloween jokes and puns we’ve compiled here at “The Western Howl.”

“Do you want to know how to get a significant other during Halloween? You make sure they’re screaming without the s.” 

“Are you a vampire? Cause you’re a pain in the neck.

“The maker of this product does not want it, the buyer does not use it, and the user does not see it. What is it? A coffin.”

“What did the ghost say to their psychiatrist? I used to be somebody.”

“What do you call two witches living together? Broommates.”

“How do you get rid of demons? Exorcise a lot.”

“Where is a skeleton the most ticklish? Their funny bone.”

“Why did the ghost go into the bar? For the Boos.”

“What’s it called when a ghost has trouble with his house? A grave problem.”

“Why didn’t the skeleton go to the scary movie? He didn’t have the guts.” 

“What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? I-Scream!”

Compiled by The Western Howl staff

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The Western Howl Staff

Theme: Costumes the signs would wear!

Aries 3/21-4/19  


Taurus 4/20-5/20

Triangle guard from Squid Game

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

Iconic gay couple. Both.

Cancer 6/21-7/22

Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff Girls

Leo 7/23-8/22


Virgo 8/23-9/22

A wine mom, wine included

Libra 9/23-10/22

Either Beyoncé or an Ouija Board

Scorpio 10/23-11/21 

Mort from Madagascar

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

A T-Rex with a reach extender — unstoppable

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

Sparkly shimmery vampire, complete with an open shirt

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

2002 “Dirrty” Christina Aguilara. Or just the chaps.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

Sexy bunny