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Mount Hood

Avatar the Last AirBender: What we can take from a childhood favorite

A review of the show from an adult’s point of view

Brianna Lelieur | Entertainment Editor

Two months into a self quarantine, it seemed like there was nothing more to watch on television. People had rewatched the same old favorite movies and shows, and binged the new ones. Yet, with so much time, it seemed like everyone had seen everything. Furthering that, tensions were definitely beginning to rise with the current state of the world; people were certainly emitting strong emotions and needed something to brighten their day again. 

Thankfully, the world got a little brighter on May 15, when the children’s show “Avatar: The Last Airbender” was released on Netflix. After its release, the show exploded in popularity, especially among adult viewers. The show now has an even larger cult following than before; it has inspired thousands of fan creative art projects, merchandise, clothing, music and even food — all within the span of a few weeks since its release date.
Why the huge surge in popularity among adult viewers for a children’s show? Well, as a child who grew up loving “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” I of course admire it for the nostalgia; besides, who doesn’t love a show with characters that can manipulate the environment around them, a story of true friendship and stellar fight scenes? Although, after watching it as an adult, I’ve come to truly appreciate the show not only as a childhood favorite, but also for its writing of the story and characters, its research into the various cultures it’s inspired by, the music that supports the show and the subject matter it touches on. 

During my rewatch, here are a few of the things I took from the show. The first is learning to maintain balance and peace within yourself, as this is an essential theme of “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” When one aspect of life is out of balance, it entirely falls apart. It’s a genuine human struggle to manage balance, whether physically, mentally or in the everyday world. 

Furthering the topic of internal balance, the show weaves elements of spirituality, introspectiveness and meditation. The main protagonist, Aang, is someone with immense special abilities; he can tap into another aspect of the world that not many others can in the show’s universe. He is the bridge between humans and spirits. Meditation is key for him as it allows him to search within his own soul to discover more about his past life and maintain his state of mind. Every time Aang is faced with a dilemma, at most points he meditates on what he is to do and to help him find peace. 

Meditation was something I took from the show because, with so much going on in the world, it can be overwhelming and easy to lose focus of what is important to you. I wanted to find a way to start clearing my mind the way Aang practices, whether I’m dwelling on the past or the chaotic world.

There was a quote that resonated with Aang through his journeys from his mentor and great airbender, Monk Gyasto: “we cannot concern ourselves with what was, we must act on what is.” 

Despite everything that happened to Aang, he ensured to never dwell on what was or let it haunt him. He makes it clear that with the right self motivation, meditation and support, you can make it through just about everything. 

I learned a few interesting facts about the origins of the various bending styles within the show. Each fighting style comes from a different form of real life martial arts. For example, water bending is derived from Tai Chi; earth bending, Hung Gar; fire bending, Northern Shaolin; and air bending, Ba Gua Zhang. Each embodies a very different fighting style, technique, and rule set. For Northern Shaolin, one of the oldest forms of martial arts fighting, it is known to be immensely aggressive and is about long, strong movements that are meant to jab straight through your opponent. Within the Hung Gar fighting style, you are always meant to have a strong fighting stance and be connected to the ground below you for full force in your moves. 

This show has become very popular once more because it came again in a notoriously chaotic time, and people needed something lighthearted to help them get through it. This brings us to simpler times and helps us feel relaxed with sunset backgrounds and calming music. The characters make you wish you knew them in real life, and now, everyone wishes they had an Uncle Iroh. 

Watching “Avatar: The Last Airbender” as an adult again is both an escape and an actual learning experience. It reminds us of our basic morals that often get lost in translation. Whether it’s learning to ask for help when you need it, spending time with friends and family or simply to appreciate life, make sure to live it up. As Uncle Iroh once said, “life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.” 

Contact the author at blelieur20@mail.wou.edu

Put some pep in your meal prep

Tips for how to start meal prepping

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

Having access to regular healthy meals can be difficult for college students; healthy ingredients can be expensive, and dorm living does not always offer the necessary amenities for homestyle cooking. However, meal prepping offers a great way to save money and eat delicious meals more regularly. Here are some ideas and tips to help get started.

Set aside enough time to make meals; this will depend on how many meals are cooked at once and could take up to a couple hours. Meals can be made for the next three to six days, depending on budget and refrigerator storage space. Collect enough plastic or glass containers or Ziploc bags to store each meal. If possible, buy ingredients in bulk to save money.

If a stove and oven are not accessible, pick foods that can be cooked in a microwave, are precooked or don’t need cooking at all. Potatoes, pasta, rice, quinoa and frozen vegetables are just a few foods that can be prepared in a microwave. Canned meats don’t need any cooking, and rotisserie chicken can be pulled apart and refrigerated for up to four days.

Keep in mind, certain foods will keep better in the fridge than others. Salads keep for about a week, especially when dressing and wet ingredients are layered at the bottom and greens at the top. Quinoa stays good for about a week as well, while rice and cooked potatoes and vegetables can be eaten for about four days. However, if a freezer is accessible, meals can be prepped and kept for much longer — anywhere from two to four weeks.

As for recipes to try, salads are easily customizable and add some variety to a set of meals. Burrito bowls are another meal with lots of choices available. Loaded baked potatoes, or sweet potatoes, are perfectly proportioned on their own for a lunch. If the means are available to cook soups, stews or ramen, there are many different recipes to choose from. For breakfasts, oats, parfaits and wraps are great options.

If this is the first time trying meal prepping, start small with just lunches or dinners, or only prepare a few days at a time. Don’t feel discouraged if a week is missed; as it becomes part of a regular routine, meal prep will get easier.

Contact the author at avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu

Plan the day away with a planner

How to start using a planner

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

With 95% of Western’s classes being held online for fall term, keeping up with a schedule is more important than ever. Students have to be their own regulators of their study time outside of virtual meetings. A great way to stay on track is by using a planner, and here are some tips on how to use one most effectively.

Start by picking a planner or printing out free planner sheets to put into a binder;  daydesigner.com is just one site that offers free sheets in many styles. Pick a layout that has room to detail each class and associated workload. This may look like a weekly layout with columns on the side to expand on what assignments are due.

Next, color code assignments and classes. Use a highlighter or colored pens and markers. Some categories to code by are types of assignments, such as readings, discussion posts and projects, or class — whichever makes more sense personally. Also give a color to other tasks and events, such as work, vacations and trips to the gym or grocery store.

Now it’s time to pull out the syllabus. Write down class meeting times, assignment due dates and quiz and exam dates for the term with desired colors. Then add in other events as far ahead as is known. Finally, find some gaps in which study time for each class can be allocated. It is important to have designated times for studying and completing homework in order to keep up with classes. This time could be half an hour or several hours, but it should be set aside to do classwork uninterrupted. 

Starting a planner is the first step, but keeping up with a planner takes more persistence. To help with motivation, check off tasks and days once they are completed. Focus on one to two weeks of work at a time if seeing the entire term at once is overwhelming. Set aside a few minutes a day to check up on upcoming events to make it part of a routine, and always feel free to update the planner as life happens.

Contact the author at avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The Western Howl Staff

Aries 3/21-4/19  

Sometimes staying up until 3am watching docuseries isn’t the best idea but go off.


Taurus 4/20-5/20

Astrology isn’t a lie and you should continue arguing with your parents about it. #fightthegoodfight


Gemini 5/21-6/20 

*eats popcorn while watching Taurus fight with their parents*


Cancer 6/21-7/22

We’ve come to burgle your turts.


Leo 7/23-8/22

My apocalypse bingo card has a bingo, what do I win?


Virgo 8/23-9/22

I’ll be going back to bed after morning Zoom meetings and you should too


Libra 9/23-10/22

If the stars align right hopefully I’ll be a millionaire by the 22nd


Scorpio 10/23-11/21 

Excuse me while I avoid my class meetings so I can continue to binge Netflix shows


Sagittarius 11/22-12/21



Capricorn 12/22-1/19

Welcome back everyone, good to see you. Oh wait ⏤ waiting…??????? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?

Side note: sagittarius is lying, you should def listen 🙂


Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

Listen to a Virgo this week, for they are wise [(--)]..zzZ


Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

Hey there delilah what’s it like there in 2021? Im 3 months away but tonight you look so pretty…

Letter from the Editor

Adapting The Western Howl in the face of uncertainty

Cora McClain | Editor-In-Chief

Hey Western, I’m glad to be writing to you once again. While I am overjoyed to be returning as The Western Howl’s editor-in-chief, I’m also worried beyond belief. I won’t lie to you; it has been a stressful month leading up to the beginning of fall term. I may have a year of experience under my belt, but nothing could have prepared me for the uncertainty of fall 2020. 

Many changes within university funding have put IFC funded areas, like Student Media, in a tough spot. Suffice to say, we had to adapt many moving pieces within The Western Howl. We had to reorganize everything within our organization, and for a while there, it looked like there wasn’t going to be a Student Media for fall term. We got lucky, and get to uphold our promise to report to you, Western.

The story is confusing — everything leading up to this term has been confusing — but I’m here to lay it all out for you.  For clarity’s sake, instead of weaving some thematic elements here and there, I will just be explaining these larger changes, since they are so drastic and different from previous years.

Firstly, like many other IFC funded areas, Student Media was hit with damaging budget cuts, 45% to be exact. This led Student Media to no longer be able to pay for an adviser position, so we lost our adviser once again. 

So, I ask that you bear with us Western, as we will have little support from administration as we transition into an even more difficult time than we did last year. We may make mistakes along the way, and for this, I ask for your understanding.

Along with this, The Western Howl staff, like many other people affected by COVID-19, are receiving a reduced pay, cutting hours of work out of staff paychecks. The ability to pay less hours means we won’t be able to create as much content as in previous years. 

Furthermore, the way we produce the paper changed to reflect these budget cuts. Our weekly issues have been reduced from 12 pages to 8 pages, without a Sports section for the foreseeable future. We will not be distributing printed issues, possibly for the whole 2020 to 2021 academic year if the online trend continues. Though our red newsstands will be empty, The Western Howl will continue to write and report stories for online editions.

Since we are unable to print, we have also decided to only design an issue every other week. These bi-weekly designed issues will be uploaded to The Western Howl website in pdf form and through Issuu. Rest assured, we will still offer weekly stories directly uploaded to our website, with ongoing stories updated as information reveals itself. 

Though these less desirable changes are underway, the Howl has also looked into ways to expand in other areas. Because the website is becoming increasingly more important — and our only point of traffic — a redesign is underway. 

On top of that, our digital media manager is working hard to increase social media and online media content creation. We are hoping to engage more with you, Western, whether you are here, on campus, or remote.

Part of this expansion includes a bi-weekly podcast alternating from serious topics to more fun and entertaining casts. Along with this, the Howl is going to engage in more organizational integration within Student Media by hopping on KWOU to report a news hour every Wednesday, talking about the stories that came out that week.

I understand how jarring these alterations to the Howl may seem, and they are equally as disorienting for the staff. All of our lives are going through transitions we didn’t expect, however with flexibility and perseverance we can all get through these unexpected times. 

Stay strong, Western, you’re not alone.

Contact the author at howleditor@mail.wou.edu

Steady tunes to study to: song recommendations

A collection of study songs from The Western Howl staff

The Western Howl Collective

With the beginning of school, there are so many things to prepare: supplies, textbooks, resources, study routines and much more. However, a strong study playlist is key in being successful. These are some recommendations from the Howl staff. Hopefully, these songs will encourage someone to create an individual study playlist for a wonderful term. 


Brianna Lelieur | Entertainment Editor

“The Last Cherry Blossom” by Rudemanners — This is a Lo-fi song off an entire playlist, it is upbeat and very soulful. 


Rylie Horrall | Managing Editor

“I Miss Those Days” by Bleachers — My study playlist changes a lot but this song is almost always on it. I like listening to it because it has a mellow and relaxing beat that helps me focus without the words being too distracting. 


Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

“Cassini” by Curtis Schweitzer — I enjoy this song because it’s soft enough to not distract me while studying. I also like that the melody isn’t overly repetitive or predictable.


Sean Martinez | Copy Editor

“Vertigo” by Khalid — I don’t often listen to music while studying, but for me, it’s easy to get lost in the process of writing or studying while this song is playing. Plus, this song is about Khalid asking himself the big questions, making it a great song for concentrating on whatever task is at hand.


Kyle Morden | Head Designer

“comfy vibes” by LilyPichu — Sit back and relax; it’s time to get comfortable with some Lo-fi beats. No matter how stressful studying can be, this song will create a calm atmosphere for any listener.


Cora McClain | Editor-in-Chief

“I’ll Keep You Safe” by sagun — There’s a Lo-fi song for every occasion, and studying is no different.  I’m easily distracted and lyrical songs often make it harder for me to focus on work, so Lo-fi is my go to. The repetition and distortion that sagun’s uses keeps my brain engaged for long study sessions while not breaking my focus.


Kiara Wehrenberg | Photo Editor

“Dream Catcher” by Damu the Fudgemunk — This song is good for me to study because there are no lyrics for me to get distracted by while writing. I also like how the music is upbeat enough for me to stay focused and not fall asleep — most songs by this artist have a similar style perfect for studying. 


Stephanie Moschella | Digital Media Manager 

“3 Nights” by Dominic Fike — This song gives me the summer vibes that we all missed out on this year. It’s calming and melancholic, and leaving it on repeat helps drown out all the noise around me while I study. 


Sydney Carpenter | News Editor 

“Dr. Wanna Do” by  Caro Emerald  — After a long study session I like listening to some electric swing or Jazz to boost my mood and overall attitude. However, I usually don’t listen to anything while I work — it’s difficult for me to focus as is, and adding music to the mix doesn’t help me in my studies. 


Listen to the playlist here!

At-home exercises for every home-body

Exercises anyone can do outside of the gym

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

A new school year is a time for a fresh start — students have the opportunity to get organized, manage their time and get into a healthy routine. Exercise is an important activity to add to one’s regular routine, as it can reduce the risk of certain diseases and improve mood and mental health, according to betterhealth.vic.gov.au. With many gyms still offering limited service, here are a few exercises anyone can do from home.

To work out leg muscles, do bodyweight squats. With feet slightly more than hip width apart, hold arms out straight ahead, parallel to the floor. Lower down until thighs are parallel to the ground, then return to standing. Complete up to three sets of 12 reps. Make squats easier by utilizing a wall, or add a challenge by doing one-legged squats.

One back workout to try is the Superman. Start by lying facedown on the floor with arms outstretched in front and legs straight. Keep every limb in a straight position, and simultaneously lift them several inches off the floor. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting pose. Do about three sets of 10 reps; adjust the amount of reps to modify.

For an arm muscle workout, try tricep dips using a chair, coffee table or bed. Facing away from the object, place palms on the edge of the surface with feet flat on the floor. Lower down until arms are at 90º angles, then rise back up. Aim for three sets of 8–10 reps. Stack a textbook on the thighs to add some additional weight.

Mountain climbers are also a great exercise that works out many parts of the body, especially the core. Start in a plank position, then bring one knee forward to chest and tap toes to the ground while maintaining a flat back. Quickly switch the positions of the feet to complete one rep. Do 15–25 reps at a time, or perform as many as possible in one minute. 

With any exercise, remember to warm up and cool down. Always rest and modify movements or reps as needed. 

Contact the author at avanderzanden19@mail.wou.edu