MSU Mission:

To promote diversity and cultural awareness throughout the Western Oregon University campus and the surrounding community. MSU gives students, faculty and staff an opportunity to share their cultural background while learning about others.

Upcoming Event:

Nuestra Fiesta Latina

May 17th, 2024

For more information: Nuestra Fiesta Latina Link

Welcome to the Multicultural Student Union!

Dia de los Muertos ♦ Black History Celebration ♦ Women of Culture Celebration  ♦ Pow Wow ♦ Nuestra Fiesta Latina

Dia de los Muertos – November 1st, 2023

Out & Proud – TBA

Black History Celebration – February 12th, 2024

Women of Culture – TBA

Pow-Wow – November 9th, 2024

Nuestra Fiesta Latina – TBA


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Phone: (503)838-8403