Direct Deposit
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
Visit our office and fill out a Direct Deposit Form, you may download a copy of the Direct Deposit Form to complete. If you have a checkbook, please attach a voided check to the document before submitting it.
When signing up, please have your bank account number and the routing number of your bank handy.
Notice: Completed Direct Deposit forms must be submitted in person or via Portal using the Human Resources channel. Emailed forms will not be processed.
Why should I sign up for direct deposit?
Direct deposit is utilized for many of the University employees and allows workers to be paid straight into their bank account. On the last business day of each month, the money is wired to the bank account that is set up, and the money shows up automatically at 8am. It’s convenient, paperless, and requires minimal effort to set up. A direct deposit can be canceled or changed at any time the employee desires to do so.
- It’s EASY! All you need to do is attach a voided check to our direct deposit form.
- You don’t have to come all the way to WOU to pick up a manual check at the end of every month.
- If you forget that you’re supposed to get paid, it doesn’t matter! The money will already be in your bank account.
- If you accidentally lose your manual check, you have to fill out a Replacement Check Form and wait for it get approved and for a new check to be printed. You could be using that money if you just had it in your bank.
- You can still view your pay stubs for each month by looking on WolfWeb.
- There’s no reason not to!
When do I need to sign up by?
In order for your direct deposit to be in effect for the next payroll cycle, please have it submitted to Human Resources by the 10th of the month to avoid any complications.
If the direct deposit form is submitted after the 10th of the month, the employee may need to still pick up a manual check for that month.
How do I make changes to my direct deposit?
To change your direct deposit information, fill out a new form and fill out the section labeled: Changing Your Current Direct Deposit, and check the box that applies to your situation.
Can I have multiple Direct Deposit Accounts?
You can add an additional account by submitting a second Direct Deposit form. Select the “I wish to continue my currrent direct deposit and add an additinal account…” checkbox. State how the money will be divided between the accounts in the back of the form or a separate sheet.