` FYS Spring 2024 Archives - General Education Program
Mount Hood

How to interpret scientific controversies

What are GMOs and are they dangerous? Are vaccines safe? Is Big Pharma trying to hide cancer cures from the public? How can you learn the truth about these and other controversial topics in science? In a world full of disinformation, what is the actual scientific basis behind some of these controversies, and how can we know what sources to trust? In this class, we will learn about some major scientific topics that cause fear or are controversial. We will learn how to find reliable scientific sources, study historical and current scientific examples, and discover how to read and how to understand scientific sources. This course will include a lecture and group discussion components, as well as readings and coursework designed to increase your understanding of “how we know what we know” in science.

Instructor: Melissa Kelley
Keywords: Science & Environment
CRN: 31033

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

We are confronted with an astronomical amount of information in the modern era. Much of this information is tied to numbers and statistics, yet often little or no context is offered so people can truly understand what the data shows. Worse yet, there are entities that are purposefully obfuscating the truth by misstating the data or presenting them in a misleading way. This course will focus on how data and statistics are used in the media and modern culture and how to view data through a critical lens to understand what the information means and whether it is being presented in a truthful manner.

Instructor: Maren Anderson
Keyword: The Numbers Game
CRN: 30929

Create Your Own Future

Creating your own future can be scary, no one has a crystal ball with all the answers, but this course can help build confidence and tools to make the future a little less scary and maybe even more exciting! This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental tools to find and secure opportunites for bettering one’s future. Topics will include getting to know one’s own self, job search strategies, resume and cover letter writing, interview skills, and how to network like a pro. Face-to-face engagement with professionals will provide additional insight into these topics from the perspective of employers. Reflection on students’ interests, values, and goals will also be integrated into the course.

Instructor: Jennifer Hansen
Keyword: Self & Identity
CRN: 31069

Digital Storytelling and Narratives

Digital Storytelling and Narratives explores what is at the heart of our human experience–stories and ways we share those stories. Exploring various disciplines takes on digital storytelling, narrative, and technology to share them, this course gives students theoretical and application of digital storytelling and narratives through readings, case studies, and crafting digital storytelling projects of their own. The course will also provide hands-on technology experience and exploration of real-life issues, questions, and narratives true to their life experiences.

Instructor: Tiara Good
Keyword: Arts & Expression
CRN: 30783

Well-Behaved Women (and a Lot of Other Folks) Rarely Make History

Who gets credit for the important stuff in history? You may have noticed that some voices and identities show up more that others. Do you wonder what everyone else was doing? In this class, we’ll explore the contributions of people that history forgot, who helped shape the evolution of society, and how their exclusion shapes where we are today.

Instructor: Becka Morgan
Keywords: Historical Perspectives, Policy, Culture, & Society, Conflict, Debate, & Revolution
CRN: 31094

Superheroes or Supercriminals?

Superheroes are here to save the day and do whatever is necessary to defeat forces of evil. But what if “whatever’s necessary” crosses the line into criminal activity? In this course we examine epic good versus evil battles and analyze the criminal implications of being a superhero.

Instructor: Jennifer Moreno
Keywords: True Crime
CRN: 30784

Get Woke to Being Broke*

In this class, we will research and practice what it means to be first-generation or low-income in the current U.S. educational system. What are the financial mechanisms that make Higher Education possible for those coming from low-income backgrounds? What is the financial impact of a college education, positive and negative? Students will calculate these costs and rewards from an individual perspective exploring cost of attendance, impact of financial aid, inflation in both cost of attendance and local economy, and planning for future financial needs.

Instructors: SEP Staff
Keywords: SEP
CRN: 30545

Me, Myself, and I. Who the Heck am I?

This course examines the perplexing question of what constitutes the self from a philosophical, psychological, existential, and biological lens. Consideration will progress from a broad theoretical understanding of self to an individually tailored look at one’s own identity. Deeper self-understanding leads to better informed decision-making and overall enhanced well-being. Come embark on this pivotal journey.

Instructor: Tracy Powell
Keywords: Self & Identity
CRN: 31118

Started from the Bottom, Now We’re Here*

In this class, we will research and write about what it means to be first-generation or low-income in the current U.S. educational system. How are members of these populations, traditionally underrepresented at college, impacted by policy and the Higher Ed experience? We will examine what a modern “War on Poverty” would look like and what role education would play. We will explore issues of identity and culture (including gender, race/ethnicity, and class) and potential solutions to the barriers that underrepresented students face.

Instructor: SEP Faculty
Categories: SEP
CRN: 30531