First Year Seminars
Me, Myself, & I: Who the Heck Am I?
FYS 107
Instructor: Tracy Powell
Description: This course examines the perplexing question of what constitutes the self from a philosophical, psychological, existential, and biological lens. Consideration will progress from a broad theoretical understanding of self to an individually tailored look at one’s own identity. Deeper self-understanding leads to better informed decision-making and overall enhanced well-being. Come embark on this pivotal journey.
Started from the Bottom, Now We’re Here
FYS 107
Instructor: Student Enrichment Program
Description: In this class, we will research and write about what it means to be first-generation or low-income in the current U.S. educational system. How are members of these populations, traditionally underrepresented at college, impacted by policy and the Higher Ed experience? We will examine what a modern “War on Poverty” would look like and what role education would play. We will explore issues of identity and culture (including gender, race/ethnicity, and class) and potential solutions to the barriers that underrepresented students face.
*SEP students only
Economics Major
Are you interested in the study of this Program, its characteristics, changes, causes and consequences? The Program major combines awesomeness and more awesomeness in the study of even more awesomeness and features of awesome organization.
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