Foster Liaisons

Lori Bullis
Library Technician: Resources Sharing| 503.838.8884
Having been a foster parent, having family involved in the foster system, and having employed foster students has provided me with a deep understanding of the unique challenges foster students experience in higher education. For WOU foster students I would like to use this knowledge and experience to provide an additional layer of compassionate support and mentorship. You are not alone, ever.

Adry Clark
Director, Service Learning & Career Development |office: 503.838.8648|cell: 541.908.3705
Interested in assisting students with a variety of barriers with support

Shelly Clark
Associate Director, University Housing
I am connected to the foster care system through the incredible students that I have worked with in the past that have been in/out/around/through the foster care system. I want to help students to succeed by ensuring that they have made friends, created partnerships, are knowledgeable of the resources available, and are empowered to utilize their resources and connections. I was a first generation college student. I wouldn’t have known all of the questions to ask or how to get connected and involved if someone hadn’t have helped me. It is both my honor and my responsibility to help others the way that I have been helped in the past.

Leticia Erckenbrack
Educational Advisor, TRIO Student Support Services, Student Enrichment Program (SEP)| 503.838.8032

Crystal Granger Ross
Receptionist, Student Health & Counseling Center |503.838.8396

Marshall Guthrie
Director, Student Enrichment Program (TRIO-SSS) |503.838.8550
Dedicated to providing a personal approach to advising and supporting all students, especially those facing hurdles as a first generation student.

Karen Haberman
Professor of Biology | 503.838.8478
One of my non-traditional students was a former foster child who became a foster parent. She and her husband provided a loving and stable home for their foster children, something she had lacked in her own childhood. From her, I learned a great deal about the realities of the foster care system and gained a deeper respect for the foster students who make it to college. I would like to support them on their pathways of academic and personal achievement.

Rachel A Harrington
Professor of Mathematics Education | 503.838.8831
I have always wanted to be a foster parent, but I am not able to commit to that right now. It seems like this is a way that I could help.

Mark Henkels
Professor, Public Policy and Administration
In the past I was faculty advisor to Wolves Fostering Hope, and I enjoy academic advising no matter the program.

Christine Harvey Horning
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English, Criminal Justice Department
As a writing instructor for over 20 years, I have read many stories of the various obstacles students have faced in their efforts to make a college education possible. Research shows how important good mentoring is to students’ success, and I would like to be another resource to students whose path to WOU has been through the foster care system.

Shaun Huston
Professor, Geography |503.838.8296
We adopted our daughter from the Oregon state foster system and I have an interest in helping kids from the system make lives where they have choices. I know that our daughter carries a number of burdens that are hard to see or that she hides and that inhibit her from embracing her talents and intelligence. This seemed evident from other children we considered during our adoption process as well. My experience with my daughter has led me to want to bring that experience to help other kids from the system succeed in ways that will work for them.

David Janoviak
Professor of Theatre/Division Chair| 503.559.1551
Many families helped my sister and I when we were young and our family fell apart. I would like to offer my services, my support and perhaps just my attention to students who wish to connect and succeed. I want to be of use in any way I can.

Debbie Kenyon
Early Learning Project Specialist, Center on Early Learning/TRI,The Research Institute |503.838.8293 |Cell: 503.999.289
I volunteered because I have college age kids and I know how difficult it can be to navigate through the system and deal with things like financial aid, registration, etc. My own kids turned to me when they needed help and I can’t imagine how difficult it would be for students who don’t have a parent who can help them figure these things out. Foster kids have been through a lot and I’d just like to try to help so maybe college doesn’t seem so overwhelming and they will have a greater chance of being successful – in school and life.

Kristin M. Mauro
Transfer Specialist |503.838.8157
As a long time student affairs professional who studied first-year transition and retention in my doctoral program, I have seen students struggle first hand. I was also a guardian adlitem in Texas and worked directly with children in the foster care system. I want to help students continue building the resilience and confidence they will need once they graduate from WOU. I want to be your cheerleader and let you know you can be whatever you want to be, regardless of the adversity you have encountered and survived. The old Verizon commercial comes to mind, I want to be in your network so I can help you learn the skills needed to be successful at WOU and beyond.

Allison Omlid
Computer Science Adjunct Lecturer | 503.838.9272
I’ve attended some training classes about foster care and would like to get involved. I believe all students, despite their situation, have the skills to attend and complete college. Student success is a passion of mine so anything I can do to help would be an honor.

Rosario Peralta Cortez
English Writing Specialist for Spanish Speakers |503.838.8640
I’m interested in supporting foster students because I believe that the relationships we have with one another are the most important components of living happy, fulfilled lives. Having personal connections with those that have gone through the foster care system, I see the need for a supportive, compassionate, and uplifting community to ensure we care for one another and help each other succeed.

Emily Plec
Professor of Communication Studies |503.838.8819
I have been inspired by the stories of students I’ve met over the years who have experienced foster care, for better and for worse, and come through the experience resilient and inspired to enact social change. I want to connect with foster students at WOU to make sure they are getting the support they need to succeed and have the chance to forge the relationships they want for their future.

Tracy Powell
NTT Assistant Professor of Behavioral Studies |503.838.8299
I have been an active Citizen Review Board member for the past 2 years and more recently, an Advisory Board Member with the Oregon Foster Care system. I am committed to the purpose and goal of helping these children and youth find forever families and thrive in their own self development. As many youth age out of the system we lose track of their whereabouts and hear low statistics of secondary school success. I would like to help change those statistics so that these young people can follow their dreams and aspirations to the fullest.

Sheree Solario
Educational Advisor, Student Enrichment Program |503.838.8031
I have been blessed to work with students who continually impress and inspire me with their resiliency. I have the pleasure of working with students who sometimes feel that the deck is stacked against them, and I get to be a resource for them as they find their path and maneuver through the maze of higher education.

Chehalis Strapp
Professor Psychological Sciences | 503.838.8316
Experience/Interest in foster care and supporting foster students: As a faculty advisor in Psychological Sciences for the past 20 years, I am passionate about working with all students to foster success at WOU and beyond.

Jennifer Taylor
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
I am volunteering because before I came to higher education my work was primarily with at risk youth which included foster youth. I have witnessed first hand the difficulties that many foster youth face and have also been able to see what a positive impact someone taking the time to help can make on their lives. I would love the opportunity to help in any way that I can.

Taryn Vanderpyl
NTT Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice Sciences
My research focuses on improving outcomes of youth affected by the juvenile justice systemthrough interventions for at-risk youth, educational and rehabilitative programming for incarcerated youth, and reintegration services and supports – all with a focus on giving youth a voice in research, programming, and policy decisions. My earlier experiences as a high school special education teacher and consultant, as well as a foster parent, have contributed to her research interests in the disproportionate representations of vulnerable and marginalized populations in the criminal and juvenile
justice systems.

Kathy Cassity
Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Science | 503-838-8226
I am an adoptive parent, and I was a first-generation college student who ultimately earned a doctorate, became a professor, and moved into college administration. My varied life experiences and perspectives have taught me the importance of quality mentorship and guidance, especially for students who face multiple challenges. I am always happy to inspire and encourage students through sharing stories and guiding them to available resources.

Andrea Emerson
Assistant Professor, Education and Leadership |503-838-9244
My professional and academic training is in early childhood education and human development/family studies. My experiences working with children and families have taught me so much about the diversity of “family” and the importance of a support system (regardless of their shape or size). I would love to have the opportunity to support foster students in the same ways I was guided and encouraged in my own student journey.

Lars Soderlund
Department Chair, English Studies Department |503-838-8325
I am excited to support foster students because I know how challenging being a student can be, and have learned how much more complicated a foster student’s experience is on top of that. I am passionate about simplifying these experiences and supporting students in their struggles.