Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If I complete all of my major classes, will I be done with my Bachelor’s degree?
Not necessarily. Consult your Degree Tracks degree evaluation, read all the “fine print”, and make sure all required items are checked off or in progress. Lacking requirements may include the minimum 180 credits for a Bachelor’s degree, 60 overall upper division credits, 2.0 grade point average, General Education requirements, etc.
When should I start taking classes in my major?
We recommend starting with General Education courses. You should have completed most of your General Education courses before enrolling in upper division Business and Economics courses.
Are there any classes I should take in my General Education requirements that will help with the business major?
Yes. In the Social, Historical, and Civic Perspectives area, we recommend taking EC 201, Intro to Microeconomics and EC 202, Intro to Macroeconomics. These are required prerequisites for the upper division economics choice of EC 318, 319, or 340 in the business major.
What minor can I have if I am a Business or Economics major?
You can pretty much choose any minor that is different from your major (you can’t major and minor in Economics). Although our division offers minors in Business, Economics, Sport Management, and Entrepreneurship, you are not limited to these areas. We recommend you weigh your interests, coursework, and future goals to choose a minor. NOTE: As of spring 2018, minors are no longer required for graduation.
What is considered a passing grade in my major and minor courses in the Division of Business and Economics?
A passing grade is above an “F” for major and minor courses in our division. Thus, a D- in a class counts. However, if a Business or Economics class is required in another major or minor, consult that department to inquire about grade requirements.
How do I find a faculty member?
Office locations and office hours are listed by the front door of West House, as well as on our division website. If you can’t come or make contact during the office hours, contact the faculty member by email.
Can I earn upper division credits at a community college?
No. Community colleges do not grant upper division (300 and 400 level) credit. Even if the course title is the same as a required upper division class at WOU, the community college course will not meet the requirement, and will not count toward your overall upper division credits at WOU.
If I take a class somewhere else with the same title as a WOU class, will it transfer to WOU as the same class?
Not necessarily. Always check on the Registrar’s office webpage to see how a course will articulate at WOU at: Transfer Articulation (requires WOU Portal login.)
For more information, see your advisor or the Division Chair.
If the same course is required in both my major and minor, what do I do?
Talk to your advisor about a course substitution. Since the same class can’t be used to meet both major and minor requirements, another class will need to be substituted in either the major or the minor.
How do I declare my concentration in the Business major?
The concentration is your opportunity to specialize in the Business major, if desired. Areas of specialization include accounting, finance, international business, management, and marketing. Concentrations will be shown on university transcripts. To declare a concentration, ask your advisor to complete a “Change of Major/Minor/Advisor” form online. Make sure your catalog year is 2017 or later (this can be updated if needed).
For my Upper Division Electives/Concentration area in the Business major, will the list of required upper division courses in the major count there as well?
No. The 24 credits in the Upper Division Electives/Concentration area are separate from courses explicitly required in the major or minor. The 24 credits are included in the overall 80 credits required in the Business major.
Is there any other advice for a new major in the Division of Business and Economics?
Don’t wait to take Math! Take the placement test and get into the appropriate Math class (MATH 110 or 111, not MATH 105) as soon as possible when you come to WOU. Putting off taking Math is one of the main reasons students don’t graduate on time.
What’s the process to graduate and go through the commencement ceremony?
This question is best handled by the Registrar’s Office, because they are the office responsible for checking to see that you have met all requirements to graduate, and awarding your degree. You will apply online for graduation through Wolfweb—3 terms in advance, buy a cap and gown through the bookstore on campus, and THEN, register for commencement if you are participating. Questions? Contact the Registrar’s Office.
**Use your Degree Tracks before and after you register each term to make sure your courses are counting where you need/expect them. If you have questions, ask your advisor or the Registrar’s office, but remember, it is ultimately YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take the right courses and credits to GRADUATE.**
More questions? Please talk to your advisor, come to West House 113, or call (503)838-8421.