Accounting & Business Services - WOU

In-Person Services

In-person services to make payments or submit deposits are currently available from 8am to 5pm (M,Tu,Th) & 9am to 5pm (W,F). We also have a payment drop box in our cashier’s counter if submitting payment outside of our in-person hours. If paying by check, payments can be made out to Western Oregon University or WOU.

Payment can also be made online by using the “Make a Payment” link below, located under our Tuition & Fees menu.

Services for more in-depth account review and financial budgeting are available by appointment. You can schedule an appointment using WCS (Wolf Connection System) in the WOU Portal or by emailing us.

We are now in the Welcome Center!

Contact Accounting & Business Services for help, we’re available by phone or email!

Student related Questions:
Call: 503-838-8201

Purchasing/Invoice/Travel Questions:


Important: Tuition deadline for Spring Term is due on April 29th, 2025.

Shadron Lehman, Controller

Heather Brophy, Director of Accounting

Ashley Schaumburg, Bursar

Maryanne Shinkle, Assistant Bursar

Ryan Ellison, Financial Aid Accountant

Xuan Xuan Villeneuve, Capital Project & Reporting Analyst

Sandra Holland, Accounts Payable & Travel Accountant

Daniel Rich, Fiscal Compliance & Financial Analyst 

Alyssa Worthey, Vendor & Travel Accountant 


Paloma Larsen, Accountant 

Dawn McNamee, Receptionist

Cheri Darby, Administrative Program Specialist

Revenue Agent, Program Representative

Students must have all Spring term charges paid down to at least 1/3 or less and all prior terms must be paid in full to be eligible to register for Fall Term. 

The tuition deadline for Spring term is April 29th, 2025 . All prior term balances and at least 1/3 of Winter tuition & fees should have been paid or a short term deferment should have been processed by the tuition deadline to avoid the $100 late fee.

In addition, accounts that are not paid in full by the tuition deadline of April 29th, 2025 will be assessed a $12 revolving charge and 0.75% monthly interest.


Western Oregon University