Deleting blogs

I’ve had my head buried in blog server code for the past couple of weeks. One thing has become clear. We have too many blogs on our system and some of them will need to be deleted.

We need to do this because the server cannot display or set people’s permissions on various blogs. When I ask it for even a single author’s permissions, the server churns and churns for five minutes (I timed it twice) and then gives up. The server is working great for everything else, but not for this, and I think it’s no coincidence that out of all the tables in the blog database, the permissions table is the biggest.

We have over 13000 blogs on the system, only a few of which are in use. I plan to delete blogs belonging to students who have not been enrolled since Fall term. I will preserve any blogs that actually have entries, though. After that, we’ll see.

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