What a beauty.

Hey y’all,

Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while; I’ve been caught up, but finally got some time to sit down. Last weekend was a dream come true. I had the opportunity to travel 15+ hours north to the small providence of Misiones and visit the National Iguazu Park as well as meet up with the one of the only LGBT organizations in this providence, LGBT Misiones. Words and pictures can semi describe the beauty nature has. I had never seen waterfalls so big, loud, breathtaking, etc. I was able to see up close La Garganta del Diablo (The Devil’s Throat), both the superior and inferior view of the Iguazu Falls, ride on a boat and get completely drenched by the warm Iguazu water, was attacked by some of the prettiest butterflies EVER, and met cute, yet very scary coatis. Below are pictures from my mini vaca:


I hated sitting down for so many hours.












I also tried for the first time hitchhiking…that was not fun. First off, it was very hot and humid, no one stopped, and the two cars that did pick us up didn’t take us far. This was all after we walked 11 km with one bottle of water for my friend and I. It was an experience, but I am not sure when the next time will be, ha!

Below is a link to a video I made regarding the waterfalls.


When we left Puerto Iguazu, we made our way to Posadas, the capital of Misiones. We united with the members of LGBT Misiones for a long night of bonding. VOX Asociación Civil met this org. a few months back and had some interaction prior to this gathering. We literally were with the group from about 8pm until 4am chatting about the history of both organizations, testifying about a rape case that happened to a gay man three years ago in this city and nothing being done about it, the lack of support this org. has seeing how conservative the environment is and distance from other orgs., made dinner together, talked about experiences in traveling, working in social justices spaces, past jobs, participation with the Argentina Federation LGBT, and much more. One would think how could I have the energy to stay up so late after having little sleep on the bus, hitchhiking, and pretty much being drained from our trip to Iguazu. The fact is, I was haha, however, when you are surrounded with people who want to be engaged and time is pretty much a number, you find yourself absorbing that. I was tried, but I was so into the conversations that we happening and how my mind was continuously in a shock, inspired, “um what” state of mind. Below is a picture of the members of LGBT Misiones and VOX Asociación Civil:


My next trip was suppose to be in Córdoba (wont have the chance anymore), however due to the bus strikes, there are no buses traveling far in the country. No one really knows when they will be up and going again, but I hope by this upcoming weekend when I will get the opportunity to visit Buenos Aries and meet members of Argentina Federation LGBT.

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