A Weekend To Remember!

I have just gone to the most amazing place that I have ever experienced, Iguazu Falls! A group of us took an 18 hour bus ride to a different province to see this wonder of the world. And oh was it worth it. I bet all of the WOU students will blog about it, if they already haven’t because it was just that amazing. Now, I have never been to the famous Niagara falls before, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I can tell you that I have no interest to go see those falls anymore. Iguazu was breath taking. It was well worth all the money spent and the long hours on buses that seemed to never end. We went for a whole weekend and unfortunately most of it was spent riding buses. But the time that we did spend at the falls, almost 8 hours was a must see. First we walked down onto the lower trail to see the falls from below and then we made our way to the upper trail to look down as they fall. Then for the grand finale, we went to the garganta! It’s the mouth of the falls. It was huge and the most amazing site to my eyes. If anyone is ever in Argentina or South America for that matter, then going to Iguazu Falls is a MUST!


These photos don’t even do the falls justice, but I want everyone to see what they are missing out on!


I hope you are thinking that this place is amazing, because it totally is. Now just one more picture for the road…


How many of you are jealous of me right now? It’s still hard to believe that I actually made it there. Can’t wait to see what else is in store for me here in Argentina!  Melissa

4 thoughts on “A Weekend To Remember!

  1. Beautiful photos! I have always regretted that I didn’t have time to visit Iguazu Falls when I was in Argentina. But now I’m visiting them vicariously through your photos, and I want to know even more! Tell me about the shades of color of the water, the sound the falls made as they poured over the cliffs, how the mist felt on your face. I want to know it all! I’m so glad you were able to visit. Michele

    • Michele,

      Sorry I haven’t been able to answer your questions, I have been having some trouble with the internet connections. Anyways, there is one girl here that did not come to Iguazu with us and I know she is regretting it. She says that she would go if she comes back to Argentina, but lets be honest, I am not sure if she is going to make it back here. So she is going through the same thing as you. The water was basically white where it was falling because it was constantly flowing through, but in the lake portion, it was more of a dark green. The sounds I heard we very electrifying. It was crazy to be so close and to feel the mist falling on you. I have never experienced something that extravagant.

  2. Wow!!! That is so beautiful! I want to go see those falls some day. We learned about them in my Spanish class last term. You are so lucky!! I hope the rest of your trip continues to be amazing!!

  3. You’re right Melissa, we did all blog about it! What an experience! Words and even pictures cannot describe how breathtaking and terrifyingly beautiful this wonder of the world is! I am so glad that we all got to experience it together, our lives being forever changed by its beauty.

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