A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.

In 6 days I will be departing from PDX to Philly, then after a few short hours I’ll be hopping on a plane to London. The anticipation has been building for months now, and boy am I ready!!

The most exciting part is that I have no idea what to expect. These past few weeks I have been trying to picture myself in London, surrounded by so many cultures in just one city, trying to imagine how I will adapt. Even just typing that makes me want to squeal and dance around the room! My dad just got back from a business trip in London about 2 weeks ago and shared with me how much I am going to love that city, even mentioning with a hint of sarcasm that he’s a little nervous I won’t come home.

I cannot wait to see this in person. Wow, so beautiful!

I’ve grown up in suburb of Portland for about 17 years, but have always been drawn into the city. The lights, buildings, and people give me a feeling of adrenaline and euphoria. It’s so intriguing that there’s so many people with their different lives running around in the same place with various destinations. But all the observer sees is the external, and for a spit second feeling that mystery… “Who IS that person?”

That being said, going to a different country’s city shall be quite the experience. The first weekend I arrive a group of us have started planning a trip to the London Eye to see a 360 degree view of the city. I feel like seeing the big picture first will be a great way to kick off the weeks ahead.

This is the London Eye! It’s a HUGE ferris wheel type structure giving participants a view of the entire city of London.

As far as getting ready goes, I still have quite a few things left to take care of! Well, I may just be saying that because I’m getting so anxious. But a trip to Target is still in order as well as making sure my bag doesn’t weigh a zillion pounds! I’m currently working in Monmouth, but today is my last day then I will head home this afternoon to wrap up some last minute things up before July 5th!

I wanted to get the whole rolling-clothes-into-tiny-tootsie-roll-shapes thing down.

The title of my post is probably one of my favorite quotes of all time. “A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for”- William Shedd. I have always has such a great desire to travel.  I’ve never been one to stay in the same place for very long so let this be the beginning of the many places overseas I will explore 🙂 I look forward to my next post, seeing as I will probably posting it in my new dorm room in LONDON! 🙂 -Rachael

3 thoughts on “A ship in port is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.

  1. I absolutely love your title! I’ve never heard that quote, and think it embodies my sentiments exactly in embarking on this study abroad adventure. In fact, it’s what’s driving my own venture in Argentina in 3 weeks. I wish you all the best of luck. I spent about 4 days in London once, and had a fantastic time. It is beautiful and full of history and great architecture. Good luck in your packing, that will be one of my trials as well =P Have an amazing time! ~Jessie

  2. I love your title, too. I can see that you are fully embracing this opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. London is amazing, and I’m feeling a little wistful that I’m not working on the program this summer. King’s College is in a wonderful neighborhood and provides a safe haven for students after the hustle and bustle of a busy day in London city center, something you’ll really appreciate during this Olympic summer. The Oregon students always appreciate Hampstead Heath–a beautiful park and natural area close to King’s College that has many walking paths, good running trails, swimming pools, summer concerts on the lawn, and a spectacular view of London. Enjoy. Michele

  3. Rachael,
    I loved reading this post because I can relate to so many things you talked about! First of all, the picture of your suitcase motivated me to finally test putting my “to go” pile in the actual bag! Man, rolling clothes is the way to go! I even tried different ways to roll mine till I got the shape that fit into my puzzle of a suitcase. 🙂 However, I’m not sure I am under the “zillion pounds” weight limit…
    I think that I get to spend a whole hour and a half in London on my journey. I really hope that someday I’ll get to leave the airport!
    I too have grown up in the suburbs of Portland and have been drawn to cities in general. I can totally relate to your interest in people’s busy lives and the mystery of the hustle and bustle. I can’t wait to do some people watching in a French cafe, and I hope that you get to meet and observe a good deal of the local English!
    Your enthusiasm is contagious and I hope that you trip is wonderful!

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