Running out of time

It is hard to believe that I have already been here 15 weeks. It seems like just yesterday I was in the Portland airport, hugging my mom and dad, telling them how scared I am, and how much I will miss them. It seems like just last week I started school, and was so confused, frustrated, and excited all at the same time. It seems like it isn’t time to leave yet.

Unfortunately I do not have any pictures for this post, because it has been a very uneventful week, besides finally getting my new phone after my other one was stolen. Since school is ending at the end of this month, I am trying to plan a trip with two of my girl friends to a City in the North of Perú called Máncora, very close to Ecuador. It will be a fairly expensive trip, but I think it will be very worth it.

Everyone has said “you HAVE to go to Máncora while you’re in Perú” because it’s like paradise. Looking up hotels and hostels, I found so many little bungalow type places right on the beach! It is definitely going to be a blast, and I am excited to post pictures when I am back from the trip!

Here is a link to see more about Máncora 🙂

2 thoughts on “Running out of time

  1. Wow that place looks awesome! I am envious that you are almost done. I still have 5 more week and am getting so homesick, and also sick of my classes here. It is hard to do the same classes for 15 weeks! I miss my ten week terms at WOU!

  2. Coming to the end of a program is a strange feeling. First you were preparing to go, then you arrived and adjusted, and now it’s nearly time to come home. At the end, 15 weeks seems very short. Michele

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