When I first imagined studying abroad I must admit I was thinking somewhere in Europe. However, through some exploration I began to realize that I wanted something out of the ordinary, somewhere I hadn’t gone, somewhere I could get lost, a place that I feel I can discover for myself. I then began my search for my host country. Peru, and more specifically Machu Picchu have always had a place on my bucket list. When I discovered that I could study in the city was is considered “the gates of Machu Picchu” and better my Spanish at the same time, I knew it was just my place.
My trip this whole time seemed so far off but yet here I am four days out. I would tell people my summer plans to study abroad but it became more real when I bought my ticket and even more real as I sit four days from leaving, writing this post. It also became more apparent that it was actually happening when I received the information about my host family yesterday. I am beyond excited to meet them and find it hilarious that my host mom and real mom share the same name and favorite hobby. To my advantage that habit just happens to be cooking!
Right now I look forward to the anxiety that airports bring, the lack of sleep when traveling, and the culture shock that comes with being in a new place for the first time. I look forward to these challenges because I know it will only build upon my character. However, that being said for those of you who know me, you know I hate missing out on things and I cannot help but feel a little sad for the experiences I will be missing out on here. Although, there are always more summers in Oregon to be apart of so I know I will get over it…probably when gazing at the ruins of Machu Picchu,if I had to guess.
Here’s to my summer 2015, may the odds ever be in my favor!
-McKenzie Stepper