Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Before leaving for China I knew a little bit about TCM, but that was only because I had asked Patty about it. I was curious about the use of origins and what they actually meant. I was also a little hesitant– sticking needles into a person will provide relief? How is that even possible? I just had to see it before I could believe it!

TCM Hospital

TCM Hospital

My suspicions disintegrated once I had TCM done on me! When Teri and Simon were placing needles in my back and then they twisted them– my world was twisted! The needles Simon had placed earlier in my arm started to twitch from the energy that was moving! It was crazy! I then became a believer, but man my back was sore after the needles came out!

Needles in my back!

Needles in my back!

Even before I became a human push-pin, I had the most amazing experience I’ve had thus far in my life! While in a nearby village, the TCM students were practicing and offering up the skills they have learned. This was composed of one TCM doctor prescribing herbs for teas while the students practiced acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion. Sitting next to the doctor, TCM students were practicing taking blood pressure. One of the students then asked us Americans if any of us knew how to take blood pressure… (this is my favorite part)… that is when I opened up my mouth to say, “I do!” I had taken a Certified Nursing Assistant class back in high school and that’s where I learned how to take blood pressure. Once they found out, I was strapped in with a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff and I hit the ground running!

Taking Blood Pressure

Taking Blood Pressure

Getting to help people who have no access to health care and not knowing the last time they received care; you could see how excited they were and that someone was taking care of them. The experience was so moving– I had an overwhelming sense of joy and I couldn’t get over the fact at how privileged we are as Americans with health care. I loved helping provide people with such small care!


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