Easter Break: Week Two: Green Houses and Hibernation

Overall another low-key week. I began to seriously think about what writing prompts I wanted to do for the final assignments in my writing classes. I’m the sort of person that needs to spend a lot of time thinking about something before I start writing, so just having something picked is a huge step. I decided to set one of the stories on Mars (don’t ask,) and do a semi biographical piece for the other one. I didn’t make any concrete decisions on who I was going to write about, but, still, progress.

I also went back to the botanic gardens to go through the green houses they had. It was a pretty miserable day, so being inside buildings meant to house various types of warm climate plants was a very welcome reprieve.


If you thought I was addicted to taking close up photos of architectural details, you clearly know nothing of my relationship with plants.


And circular things. Circular plants or architectural details are the best. I really liked the desert green house for this reason.


I can quit whenever I want.

Beyond that the week didn’t consist of anything beyond hibernation. Sometimes literally. I was like a really lazy, floral obsessed bear.

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