Weekend in Rafaela, Providence of Santa Fe, Argentina

This past weekend I traveled to the city of Rafaela and met up with members of VOX A.C. Rafaela. During my stay, I participated with the organization and many others in the Silvia Suppo event(s). Silvia Suppo was murdered three years ago by the police of Rafaela after she testified against key individuals whom were critical members within the Argentinian dictatorship of 1976-83. Silvia Suppo was an activist taking back to her teens and was tortured, raped, beaten, etc. throughout her life. Three years ago, she was stabbed to death nine times in her business and justice has yet to be served. No investigation has been conducted for her or many other folks whom have either disappeared or have been murdered; 18 within the city of Rafaela.

I knew about the harsh/tough reality folks went through during the dictatorship regime, but I had no clue that people at times are still murdered or disappearing

when they testify or are against police officials. This weekend open my eyes to the difference between how I live my life and the life that folks live here. Everyone seemed to be conscious about events, names, political parties, organizations, etc. It was very motivating to see how strong they carry themselves and the fight for justice they thrive.

Besides helping and attending with event, I was also a guest on HOMOsapien, a radio show put on by members of VOX A.C. Rafaela. I was given the chance to briefly speak on California’s Proposition 8, DOMA, and Oregon United For Marriage as well as talk about why I came to Argentina. The show was very fun!!!!! I enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere and the funny comments/expressions they made during the show; it semi helped get the butterflies out of me.

The link below is a video I made of my experience while being in Rafaela. Though it might seem pretty lengthy, I put lots of pictures and videos of the Silvia Suppo mural, press conference, panel, march, HOMOsapien show, and random bloopers that will show you the differences between USA marches/consciousness and Argentina marches/consciousness; as see through my eyes. Hope you all enjoy it!


Until next time!


VOX AsociaciĆ³n Civil Rafaela

Abrazo y besos de Rosario, Santa fe, Arg.


One thought on “Weekend in Rafaela, Providence of Santa Fe, Argentina

  1. You are having some amazing experiences and meeting extraordinary people. I also did not know that people could still disappear in Argentina. To discover that must have been rather unsettling. I would like to know more about Silvia Suppo. Michele

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