Jan 22-28


Nothing much happen during the week other then working at the gallery and at Zealandia in their cafe.  I got to learn how to make coffee for the first time. That was interesting. I messed up a lot but by the end of the day I could make a decent white flat coffee.

The weekend was the exciting part. ^_^ my flatmates and I went to Christchurch on the South Island. We found cheap airplane tickets and flew over. It was a really short flight. We spent the day walking around and finding the hostel we were to stay at.  It was beautiful and sunny time being there.

Sunday we went to a big outside market then went to the museum. After that we saw a little of the botanical gardens. It was beautiful! I wish we had more time to see the rest of the gardens. At the end of the day we sat in the Jacuzzi at the hostel and chatted with the other backpackers there.

Monday we went to the zoo and got to hand feed Giraffes 🙂me and Girraffe

and saw their 9 week old calf. We saw a lot of cool animals there. After that we had to fly back to Wellington so we could get to work the next day.

I had fun there even though I saw the damage of the earthquake that happened 2 years ago Christchurch is still a beautiful place.

One thought on “Jan 22-28

  1. I’m glad to see you blogging again. I want to learn more about New Zealand and your internship and look forward to future posts. Read the While abroad assignment section and try the describe, investigate, verify , and explain technique to deepen your observations and learning. Michele

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