Silly times with a new best friend

Well it’s more than official, I have found a forever friend while here in Australia. Kiki is from Massachusetts, we are in the same CIS abroad group, so we met right away. Now that we are neighbors and completely inseparable life is great! We are constantly going to the gym, going out to new restaurants to eat, happy hour, the list goes on. I cannot wait to get back to America and be able to visit her all the way across the country in Massachusetts. I’ve been to the east coast before but never Mass. To say Kiki is my best friend, would be a complete understatement.

Kiki and I being silly one night in AUS

Kiki and I being silly one night in AUS, I’m looking very pretty 😉 NOT

Way back when we were in Newcastle. Such cuties!

Way back when we were in Newcastle. Such cuties!


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