Last week in AUS

Well, my time here is coming to an end. But, I had to see one more place before I left. So, Holly and I traveled up to Queensland and went to Surfers Paradise, the Gold Coast. Similar to Cairns but much more beachy feel. I absolutely loved it here and although I’m excited to go back to America I wish I was able to spend more time here. There were so many little shops, and pubs that I wanted to be able to see but there was just not enough time. The Gold Coast is so pretty and the beach was unbelievable. So many people swimming and playing in the water all times of the day.

Now you can see why they call this Surfers Paradise

Now you can see why they call this Surfers Paradise

The view from our hotel room

The view from our hotel room

Us holding a koala

Us holding a koala

While we were in Queensland we went to a wildlife sanctuary so that Holly could see all of the cool animals that I was able to at various times throughout my journey. We even got to hold a koala, which isn’t legal in New South Wales.

Holly even got to feed a kangaroo like I did my first few weeks

Holly even got to feed a kangaroo like I did my first few weeks


One thought on “Last week in AUS

  1. It’s cool that you got to take one last trip before you left. I was hoping to make it to Blackpool, which seemed like England’s version of Seaside, before coming back home but I didn’t get the chance. London was my last trip and then I spent the last couple weeks just hanging out in the school town with students from my dorm.

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