Mid-Semester Break Week One

Hello from Cairns!!!!
The weather here is unbelievably perfect, in the high 80′s every day and warm at night time. I’m in love with it so far! The first day we ventured out to the beach, a small beach town called Palm Cove. By the time we got there it was late afternoon and the sun was quickly setting so we weren’t able to stay very long cause it was so windy and chilly. We played in the ocean and laid on the beach for a few hours though which was nice. After it started getting cold we just walked around the town then went back on the bus to go back to our hostel in town.


Here’s a view of the beach when we walked out onto the dock for Fisherman


cutie sign in town

While in Cairns we also went snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef! The pictures do not do the actual reef any justice! The reef was so pretty and it was huge once we got out there. We rented an underwater camera so that we were able to capture some pictures of the fish and coral. Also we were able to get some pictures of ourselves while underwater which is fun to do. The reef was such a fun day, but afterwards we were so tired out and a little bit sunburned. They were right, the sun is just stronger in Australia.


Kiki & I taking silly pictures of ourselves under water


So close to a whole school of these fish! They were huge.


Huge colorful clam


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