Week 5: Birmingham and the flu

Well this week has been high and low! It began with a weekend trip to Birmingham with a friend I made at Uni. I had a great time staying with her, eating real home cooked meals, and learning about the second largest city in England! On Saturday we went to a famous shopping center known as the bullring that had some interesting new architecture:Image

This was the outside of a store known as Selfridges, which has pretty much anything a person could want. Not only was it for food and clothing, but there were also restaurants in this specific store. Another funny thing my friend pointed out as we walked through Selfridgers was that this store had a lot of imported goods that one is not able to get elsewhere, specifically the Lucky Charms cereal!! It was interesting to see the thing that the English people were so interested in from America, and to think Lucky Charms could be such a commodity!

ImageMy two friends outside the bullring!

We had a good time walking around the shops, and after the day was done we went to have dinner at McDonalds, real adventurous I know!

Now, Birmingham was great fun but unfortunately I got very sick my last day there. On Sunday I had a fever and a killer cough, but made it home to Ormskirk by train safely. Pretty much the rest of the week I was bed ridden and stuck to doing homework and going to class. Apart from that I didn’t get much done or see many people because I was afraid of getting everyone sick, even though everyone seems to have what they call ‘freshers flu’ at this point. Just the general sickness that all the freshman (or ‘freshers’ here!) get when they first pack in to the halls on campus.

Looking forward to this weekend though, got another Liverpool trip lined up and lazer-tagging English style! See you all next week, hope you are well!


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