Girona and Salvador Dali

A beautiful excursion through Girona.

Post for Saturday July 7th, 2012

Yesterday was an interesting day. Our entire program took an excursion to Girona, which is just about an hour away from Barcelona. We went to tour some ancient castles and learn a little bit about Catalonia’s history and the wars it waged. Girona seemed to be a colorful and tranquil city. We got to eat lunch there at a very nice restaurant that served delicious food. I also found a place with amazing gelato. After our visit to Girona we went to another city called Figueres or Figueras in Spanish. In Figueres we visited a Salvador Dali museum. I am not much of a fan of art nor am I very knowledgeable of art but this museum blew my mind! Everything in this museum was by Dali, and the museum itself was planned and designed by Dali. It was obvious from his work that Dali was kind of a genius but at the same time he was kind of crazy. My favorite thing about this museum though was that it was apparent that Dali had a very interesting sense of humor. Dali’s sense of humor was evident in some of his work. I loved walking through the entire place because everything was so cool to look at. If I could, I would definitely return to this art museum. After a long day of walking we finally came back to Barcelona and I had plans to go to Pamplona.

My plans to go watch the running of the bulls kind of fell through the cracks when I missed the last bus which left at 10pm and not midnight as I had originally thought. Either way I had a good night’s rest at home and I enjoy spending time with my host family. In a bit I’m going to go out for lunch with my roommate and his friend and then we are going to visit the Barcelona soccer stadium for the first time (even though we live right by it!). In the evening I have plans to go see “La Sagrada Familia” which is a huge unfinished church designed by the famous artist Gaudi.



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